
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Shooting A Movie...In Our Hometown

I saw the commotion from blocks away as I drove home from work Tuesday. "Great," I said. There's been an accident.


A film crew had shut down the street. I took a detour and snapped a couple of pictures. The next night the street was open, but they were still shooting and I was amazed at the huge lights they had outside the building for their inside shots. It was amazing.

I live in Utah. Utah used to be a "go-to" place to film. I don't know the numbers, but back in the 1990s, so many things were filmed here. Movies, TV series, everything. It was great. I even worked on a couple of shows as an extra. Don't look for me in IMDb (even though I have a writing credit at IMDb under Scott Taylor XXXII--yeah, that's me...), but I was part of the action. I had some face time on a CBS miniseries, Nothing Lasts Forever. It was a lot of fun.

Now it seems like so many productions are filmed in Canada. Again, I don't know the numbers, but it feels that way, even though Utah can give Canada a run for its money. I'd love to see more filming done here. It means jobs for my friends and a shot in the arm for our economy.

On the interwebs, news spread of the filming in our town. Mark Hamill's name popped up. Apparently they were filming a show called Brigsby Bear, release date 2017. Along with Hamill there's some other big names, Clair Danes, Andy Samberg, and Greg Kinnear. Now, I have no idea if I was only feet away from any of these stars as I walked around the county courthouse (or covrthovse...), but just knowing someone was filming here was pretty cool.

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