Monday, August 28, 2017

Having To Say...No

The trouble with posting 365 blog posts a year is that sometimes--many times--you write about the same things again and again. This isn't so much an excuse, more of an observation. Last Saturday I stopped by a pet store that had the "Adoptions Today" sign out front. I took a few pictures and thought it might be a good subject for a blog post.

Turns out, last year--almost to the day--I wrote about visiting a pet store when they had animals up for adoption. I scanned the post and much of what I wanted to say today I said then. Such is the downside to a daily blog.

But still, I think there's value in posting pictures of animals that need homes. Even if it might not help these particular pets, maybe someone out there might want to help an animal in need after reading these posts.

We keep thinking there's an animal out there that might one day join our family. If so it would have to be hypoallergenic, and many of the dogs up for adoption are not. I'm all for adopting animals from shelters--in fact, I prefer it. But many of the hypoallergenic dogs are usually pure breeds, and they cost big bucks. If we could take the mix-breeds, we would. There's just too many people with allergies in our house to have it any other way. So, we'll probably keep looking. If it's meant to be, it'll happen.

I wonder if, next August, I'll stop by a pet store or shelter and take a look. Maybe we'll find that pet who needs to be brought home.

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