Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Go Buy The Tots A Toy...Buy Lots!

Last night the casts of Centerpoint Legacy Theatre's Christmas Carol revealed to the director and the stage manager what they had been up to for the past several weeks--collecting money to make Christmas special for others.

Doing shows during December means you give up a lot. You give up your time, you give up being able to travel to see loved ones who live in other states, you give up the ability to do Christmas shopping in a timely and responsible manner.

But, when you give up things for others, something amazing happens...somehow when you give, you also receive. The donation drive was something not expected. It was a way to extend that Christmas feeling to those who won't get to see us on stage, to children who will get a gift they otherwise wouldn't get.

The season is filled with stories of people doing things for others. Ours is but one of many. We know it will make others feel good and it made us feel good just seeing their reaction when the gifts were delivered before our show last night. I did learn one valuable thing when that happened. I saw a way to make a speechless Jim Christian. And that's not an easy thing to do. ;)

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