Monday, May 21, 2018

My "Pic Of The Day" Photos Have Become More...Localized

Earlier this month I changed offices. I moved from a call center to a basement, from cubicle walls to unfinished walls, from sharing multi-stalled bathroom to using my own bathroom. With every change, you realize how some things will affect you, but--as it seems to happen--there are things you don't know will change.

One of those things I didn't think too much about were the daily pictures I'd be posting.

I began this blog back in 2011. A few weeks after I started blogging, I decided to post at least one picture a day. I label these photos the "Pic Of The Day"(I know, original, right...?) and I've had a blast doing it. It's amazing how many interesting thing are out there, how many amazing things, just how much beauty there is in this world. I've tried to capture that beauty and some of those interesting things. I sort of wanted others to know in some small way what I saw that day.

Since 2011 I've posted some incredible photos, some funny pictures, some thought-provoking shots, and some duds. I try to say away from the duds, but not every picture can be a great one. All-in-all, I've been more satisfied than not, pleased than not. Sometimes I've found my Pic Of The Day at work, or if I'm somewhere new. And if I can't find a picture to use during the day, I've found more than enough subjects either in or around my house.

So when my home became my office, the locations for my Pic Of The Day have dwindled. This month most of my daily pictures have been around the house. I live in a beautiful part of the planet. We have all four seasons and right now it's spring, which is many people's favorite time of year (I'd love it more if spring didn't cause so much havoc on my allergies...). Spring, Autumn, and winter are especially photogenic and I do my best to let everyone see that.

I don't know what tomorrow's picture is going to be. Not knowing adds to the fun. But I do know that if I don't take a picture of something away from my house, it's going to be another shot from where I live. And that's not bad at all.

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