Friday, June 8, 2018

Coca Cola Georgia Peach...Ambrosia!

Earlier this year a friend handed me a bottle of bubbly liquid and said, "Drink."

And I drank.

And it was good.

The product--Coca Cola Georgia Peach (thanks, Dave, by the way...). I didn't know it was peach-flavored. I thought it was just another Mexican Coke--it came in the tall glass bottle. I prefer my soft drinks flavored with sugar and not high fructose corn syrup.

I picked up the bottle, took a swig, and tasted for the first time the ambrosia that is Coke and peach--together at last. 

I'd like to think I don't drink a lot of soft drinks. I know I don't drink as much as some people--working in a professional environment for the past three decades, I've seen a lot of people drink a lot of pop, mostly Diet Coke. I come nowhere near what they can down. A few years ago I went more than half a year without drinking a single drop. But I'm weak and started up again. I average one soft drink--maybe two--a week, which I think is okay.

Not only is the stuff not the best for me, it also costs, and our money is better served purchasing healthier foods, like bacon.

I have no idea if Coca Cola Georgia Peach will be around long. It's future may parallel the McRib Sandwich. And if it does, I'll be all right with that. Because they always seem to bring it back after it goes away.

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