Monday, April 29, 2019

"Avengers: Endgame" I Saw It...Well Done!

Rest assured, this post will not divulge any plot points, storylines, or spoilers. No, this is a post of admiration--a chance for me to put into words a few thoughts about a movie me--and millions of others--watched over the weekend.

Avengers: Endgame

Well done, on so many levels.

I'm not the biggest Marvel fan, nor did my love of comic books extend into my teenage years. But I've watched almost all the Marvel films (I haven't seen Captain Marvel yet...), at least the ones from Ironman on. I left the theater Friday night, my head spinning.

If you study marketing, Marvel has put on a clinic of how to do it right. Just like the network that airs the Super Bowl each year uses the big game to market all their shows, news, comedies, dramas, you name it. They also use all their shows, news, comedies, dramas, etc, to market the Super Bowl. It's circular, each promoting each other.

Marvel did the same thing. They used their solo-focused films to promote the Avengers ensemble films. Each builds on the ones before until you get a three-hour masterpiece called Endgame.

Everyone who's seen the film and has loved it, has a different reason for doing so. I'm no exception. It was funny, dark, poignant, tender, cruel, necessary. It made me laugh out loud, and made my eyes water. Any film that can do that is successful.

But, the one thing that impressed me the most about the film is this:

Those who made it respected the fans.

Maybe that's a stupid thing to say. Maybe everyone who writes screenplays, directs and produces films respect their fans, too. But something about this one...I left the theater thinking they not only cared about the characters and the story, but how I, a person who never saw one previous Marvel film in a theater (except Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse...), cared about the characters and the story. They understand us, which shows in the final product.

For many, these shows aren't their thing, and I can respect that. But for those who have enjoyed the ones that came before, Avengers: Endgame proved a fitting end to an eleven-year journey of good vs. evil, funny vs. serious, Avengers vs. Hydra. Well done, Marvel and all those involved.

Well done, indeed.

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