Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Spotted A Super-Shelf Yesterday...It's Holding Up A Lot Of Awesome!

Yesterday afternoon, just after 5pm, I drove down to the city's newest (and only...) bookstore. An author friend, Frank Cole, was having a book signing and since I don't see my author friends very much and since he was in town, I thought I'd stop by and say, "hi." It took a while for a lull to open up in his line (dude's popular among his target audience...), but once there was, I said, "hi." We chatted. I wished him well. 

On my way out, I saw a bookshelf, and to be honest, I was amazed at the strength of that particular bookshelf because it held so much awesomeness! It must be a super-shelf to successfully hold up such super-literature.

The shelf highlighted three local authors, and an author from Colorado. Each I know personally (some better than others...), each have had a positive effect on my writing. The display was set up in anticipation of a book signing. On Saturday, December 14th, at least two of the four authors will be in town to mingle and pitch their wares. I thought all three Utah authors were to be at the signing, and maybe they will, but the store's website only announced two.

Don't let that dissuade you from attending if you're in the area--the two authors, D.J. Butler and Brad Torgersen, are loaded with talent. And, as good of authors that they are, they've proved to be better people. And who knows...Mr. Larry Correia might be there, too. I don't believe Aaron Ritchey will be able to make it, and that's too bad--he's a character.

I've tried to highlight authors I've met and who have helped my on my literary journey. I'm constantly amazed at the quality of people I meet. Maybe I'm just lucky and have not encountered the jerks. Anything's possible, but my batting average of quality writers/people vs. jerk writers/people has been pretty good.

If you're close and you'd like to pick up some fantastic reading material and chat with the writers of said material, stop by the new, shiny (it really is...) Barnes & Noble store in Farmington, Utah a week from Saturday. You can access the store's website with information about this and all their signings by clicking: HERE. It'll definitely be worth your time.

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