Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Trying On-Line Tap Dancing Lessons...I Mean, Why Not?

I got into the performing game--the "recognized" performing game--sort of late in life. I did things here and there, but I never took formal dance lessons, and it's hard to be a triple threat without proper instruction. I missed the opportunity to learn these things as a kid--after all, track and sports was more important, or so I thought. As an adult, I've been cast in many local community theater productions, not due to my dancing skills, but more because of my gender.

I've frustrated many a choreographer over the years.

Though I love watching a good dance routine, one thing I've always admired is tap. Watching Singing in the Rain last week reminded me of just how amazing tap is. But can I do it? In a show I did two years ago (can't believe it's been two years already...), I learned a short tap dance. We didn't wear tap shoes, but I hope it looked good--the other dancers were able to pick up the steps well enough. And it was fun.

While on a break at work this week, I did a quick internet search--tap dancing for beginners.

I happened upon Bill Simpson's Just Tap YouTube channel. You can access his first lesson: HERE, and you can check out Bill's website: HERE. I started the video, and spent a few minutes giving it a shot. I thought I had mastered the two most important tap dance steps--the Ball Heel, and the Ball Dig.

Great! I thought. I'll try the Time Step. Fire up the next lesson!

Nope--I wasn't ready. Today I went back to the first lesson and did the original steps again. I'll try the Time Step later.

I have no idea what will come of this. I don't know if I'll ever get down the basics or look cool tap dancing like those who really can tap look. I don't really need that--I'd settle for something that gets my heart rate up and makes me feel happy. And I think that's doable.

This week I tried on-line Tap Dancing lessons, something I've never done before but always wanted to do.

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