Saturday, May 16, 2020

Spring Rain On Morning Flowers...

Saturday mornings--usually--are spent outside, in the yard. We do not live in a particularly warm climate area. Temperatures in the summer reach between 100º to 110º Fahrenheit in the hottest part of the year. Thankfully, that only happens a few weeks out of 52. Spring mornings are heavenly, if you're willing to pay the price of getting up early.

The best time to work in the yard is early, before the sun crests the edge of the mountain to the east, which sucks if you're not a morning person and you dislike yard work.

I don't know if it's because of the world shutting down, or not, but we've done more yard work this spring than we did all of last year--including me, which is surprising--especially to me. This morning I worked on a tool that will hopefully help us build more raised grow boxes. That has yet to be seen, but if that continues, it means more time outside, more time in the yard.

As I toured the grounds of Casa Taylor this morning, I spotted some flowers dripping with moisture. Had I my Nikon or my close-up lenses for my phone, I could have snapped some really beautiful pictures. I do like what I did get, though. The cameras on phones are incredible--and my phone's five-years old.

I know some who consider themselves morning people. And I know they can experience amazing things. There's a gentle peacefulness at 6:30 on a spring morning. Many birds have already started their day, and sometimes, sunrises can rival their evening counterparts. I know this, but when the decision to wake up early--especially when you don't have to--comes around, the lure of a comfortable bed, pillow, and down comforter can be just too strong.

Then again, if you go out and see beautiful scenery in the morning after a spring storm. the reward can sometimes be worth the price.

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