Sunday, July 19, 2020

July 19...Turns Out It's Been An Artistic Day For Me

If you're familiar with Facebook, you may get one of those notices telling you that you have memories from the day to look back on. This morning, I got just such a reminder, and it showed an adorable picture I took of my cousin's family seven years ago.

Of course, I ignored it.

Image may contain: 6 people, including Garry Cunningham Jr

But then, I remember that picture and some comments I received on it, so tonight I clicked on the reminder tab and checked out all the things I've posted on July 19th for the past eleven years. Turns out, a lot of my memories have an artistic side to them.

In 2009 I was in a Rodger's Memorial Theatre production of, Joseph and the Amazing Techincolor Dreamcoat. I loved that show. I got to do the show with my then nine-year old daughter and I made many life-long friends. I even posted a video of the brother's pre-show warm-up ritual. I've included it below.

Then, nine years ago, on this very date, it appears I took the kids to a movie. I have no idea what movie it was, but it looks like we were the only ones in the theater, sort of like movie theaters nowadays.

Fast forward to 2018 and I added another picture of another cast in another show in another theater. Rodger's went the way of all the earth and became Centerpoint Legacy Theatre. The show we did in 2018--The Pirates of Penzance. Me and some of the other pirates congregated at the local Dairy Queen for dessert and story swapping. Once again, I did the show with my daughter and I met a new group of good friends.

I have no idea what I will find if I choose to check out the July 20 memories. It'll probably include artistic memories. When you choose to do artistic things, you get artistic memories.

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