Saturday, December 19, 2020

A Couch's Tale...Not Ours, But Still

 If you're in the market for a large appliance, or some furniture, this may come as no surprise to you, but if you're thinking of getting something for your home, depending on what it is, just going to the store, picking out something, and having it delivered the in the next couple of days...well, that's not how it works anymore.

No, you've got to wait.

The year of craziness has even affected home decor. 

Case in point, my mother-in-law's couch. It arrived today. She placed the order in September. Her new front room was couch-less since she moved in October. We even ran into the same situation when picking out a new refrigerator. We found one we wanted, but the salesman said we could get it sometime early next year. We were moving in a week.

We were told that when covid hit, everything shut down. But some of the phone centers opened up early so orders were placed. The problem was, the factories creating the goods were not up and running, so when those factories did finally start up again, all those orders were quickly filled with nothing to replace them. 

Hence, the delays.

I'm not in the construction business, but we've had several subcontractors work on the house in the past month. Everyone of them--without exception--told us the same thing...this has been the strangest year they've ever had.

The couch arrived today and it looks fantastic. I'm glad the room is finally finished...only a few months late.

Better late than never.

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