Thursday, February 4, 2021

Been Doing A Little Editing...Happy About What I'm Reading

 One of my unwritten resolutions for the new year was to work on some of those old writing projects I started and never finished. It's a respectable goal. As a writer, you can write all day, but if you don't finish the stories you've began, then you've got no product to move.

The first story I chose to resurrect was something I began in 2013 called, The Ward Witch. I chose this one because--like paying off your smallest debt first--this story was the one closest to being done. I have about 20k words until it's finished. The reason I stopped is because I couldn't figure out an ending. I'm determined to get it thing done this time.

Since it had been so long since I last worked on this story, I've got to re-read it, in the very least, to remember the story and the characters. Plus, as I read, I've been doing some light-ish editing. I'm learning something as I read...

It's not bad.

It's funny, when you begin a project, then shelve it for a length of time, you forget things. I had forgotten so much of the story--especially the small details. So much of what I'm reading is an awakening.

I'm averaging a chapter of my light editing a day. In a couple of weeks I'll be done, then I can begin on the ending. I have a general idea of what I'll do, but I won't know until I can dive right in.

I'm glad that the story is entertaining--at least, to me. Hopefully, the finished product will be, too.

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