Sunday, August 15, 2021

Give Thanks...Baseball, Or The Thought Of Baseball

 Iowa ad baseball have been in the news recently. It seems the biggest of the big leagues played a game recently at the site of the 1989 classic film, Field of Dreams. When I recently saw film clips of the field, pre-game, I expected to see the small unassuming baseball diamond nestled in a corn field with the farmhouse in the background.

Well, things have changed.

And so, it seems, has everything else.

A few days ago, I watched Field of Dreams while I worked out on breaks at work. I forgot how wonderful that film is. Like many things associated with America and "Americana" today, this film might not even be made today. Things have changed since 1989. One of the main points of the film is that there was a time when things were wonderful...and they could be again. At least, that's something I got out of the film.

Watching Field of Dreams while our country has many serious issues was eye-opening. Today, it's almost as if forces are trying to deliberately destroy things that are good, things that are meaningful to people. The writers, actors, directors, and producers of this film seemed to want to make a film that highlights the good in life. And I applaud it.

I don't watch baseball on TV or attend games in person. Then again, there's a lot of things I don't watch on TV or see in person. I could watch the games, of course, but I've chosen not to. The game has turned into several games under the banner of "America's Past Time." Interesting phrase...past time. For me, the present-day product requires me to focus on things other than the game.

I'm thankful that something has existed for almost two centuries that has provided untold hours of enjoyment, enjoyment that has transformed into nostalgia and memories. It's happened to me--I played the game as a child--I watched amazing games since. Watching Field of Dreams reminded me of how great--not only the game can be--but also our country as well.

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