Saturday, September 25, 2021

I Live In Aggie Country...And I Don't Mind One Bit

 Back in the mid to late 1980s, the entire state of Utah was BYU Cougar Country. At least, that's how it seemed to me when I attended the University of Utah. Even in Salt Lake City, where you'd think the U would have flags and signs and banners at homes, I remember seeing a lot of blue.

That didn't really make me happy.

I kept thinking that there should be a place where U of U pride could be displayed, appreciated, honored. But, I kept seeing Y stuff, Y flags, Y banner, Y bumper stickers all round the Salt Lake Valley.

When the U began to dominate (yes, I wrote--and meant--dominate...) the Y in sports, that's when Salt Lake began to bleed red. Utah County was, and in my opinion, always should be a place for all things cougar, but I was glad to see Salt Lake County begin to show it's Ute colors. It took a long time--a very long time--but it happened.

Fast forward a decade or so and we moved, moved north, moved to a land where once again the color blue hung in storefronts, except the letter changed from the second to last in the alphabet to the first letter of the alphabet...

A...for Utah State Aggies.

A few days ago we had to run errands in Logan and the bold blue A was plastered everywhere. I loved seeing it. Even in the small town where we now live, you can see Aggie flags, bumper stickers, banners, and license plates. Personally, I love pretty much everything about USU. It was where I first went to college decades ago, where my brother, father, uncle, and many many friends attended and graduated.

Sure, it's not red, but seeing so much Aggie Blue is fine with me.

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