Wednesday, October 27, 2021

When The Zoom Call...Gets Scary

 I guess it was appropriate, to have my computer camera go blitz-o this week of all weeks. And, the Halloween jack-o-lanterns as my background photo just added to the atmosphere.

Let's be clear--my usually normal monthly one-on-one zoom call I had earlier this week with my supervisor was not "scary." For him, it was more funny than scary, and for me it was frustrating. The problem was my webcam and it would not stop flashing. I thought I had figured out the problem. It had to do with the lighting in the room. The flashing picture was not a new issue and in the past, I could turn on my office light or open/close the blinds. Whenever the flashing started I was able to fix it by manipulating the light in the room.

Not this time. No matter what I did, the flashing continued. I even tried shining a LED penlight directly into the webcam and it fixed the problem, but only temporarily. Then, the flashing returned.

I tried everything to stop the flashing--nothing worked. My boss kept commenting on how funny it was. Maybe from his point of view (because his screen was the large one...) it was--if not scary--very appropriate for the season.

I had another meeting today. This time, no flashing, nothing funny or scary (except maybe my monthly evaluation numbers...). Who knows...perhaps it was connected to Halloween in some way.

And that's a little scary.

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