Sunday, November 21, 2021

Give Thanks...For A Day And Year That Shouldn't Be Forgotten

 This afternoon our family gathered for a celebration. Since our oldest got married, seeing him on a daily basis stopped--life has gone on for them as it should. We miss seeing him everyday but understand that life is meant for our children to leave and have a family of their own. It happened to us after we got married. It's happening to us now, and it will happen to our children as they have kids that grow up and have their own families. Today, we were back together again, with my son, his wife, and their new kitten.

At the beginning of the month, my wife found a a lovely piece of art highlighting Thanksgiving. We stuck it up on our mantel, where it will reside for a few more days until snowmen, small stuffed woodland animals, and a Santa or two will take its place as Christmas descends and Thanksgiving retreats.

It's a shame, in a way. Thanksgiving seems to be (sometimes...) the forgotten holiday, even though its importance should not be sometimes is. It leaves like the aromas from the kitchen table after the smells of a Thanksgiving meal vanish into a chilly November evening.

Last year, I--along with millions of others--were given a challenge. We were to post things for which we were grateful on social media and use the hashtag #GiveThanks for our thoughts and feelings. The challenge was for one week. I accepted and fulfilled the challenge and I decided to dedicate each Sunday's blog posts to do the same thing. I know I missed a few weeks, but I've probably posted almost fifty blog posts where I tried highlighting something I'm grateful for.

I know we're not immune to the hardships of life. We've had family members get sick, pass away, others have endured job losses and personal crises. I'm knocking on wood here, but for the most part, we've been blessed to have avoided the worst of what life has to offer. I know that can't last forever--it's just part of the plan, part of the deal. Since there's opposition in all things, with great joy comes great pain...two sides of the same coin.

It's Sunday evening. My son and his wife are now at their home (with their kitten...). Those still under our roof are in various rooms. We'll gather before we go to sleep to say a family prayer and say goodnight. Considering how my life could have turned out, I can't think of anyone who's been more blessed than me. In so many ways, every hour of every day, my life has been full of love surrounded by amazing people. Yes, sometimes the holiday is not given its due. I hope I can always be thankful for this past year, and what lies ahead.

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