
Thursday, March 31, 2022

March 2022...The Month That Was

 March 2022...

It has been a month, a tough month, a month that in many ways, that seemed to drag on forever. No, it wasn't like March 2020. I think that was the longest (seeming...) month in existence, but it it was long.

In a macro-sense, lots of problems. There's a war in Europe, millions displaced, lives ruined. We are given updates, visuals of the destruction. None of it makes sense, or what they tell us about what's happening doesn't makes sense. Then there's the fact that due to the ruined reputation of the media, I have no way of knowing what is actually happening.

There's issues at home, too. Everything costs more than it once did. The same people with stories of the war scare us with dire predictions of what's to come due to inflation, supply chain issues, food shortages, and...oh yes, the possibility of a nuclear war.

Just a couple of things.

But, there's wars fought not on a world stage... of people dealing with inner struggles, personal battles, micro-wars. In many ways, they're just as dangerous and the big ones.

In a few hours, March, 2022 ends, forever to be placed in the "past" column. I remember so many people couldn't wait until April 2020 arrived. They soon learned as bad as things were, it could get worse. Then people wanted to badly for 2020 to be over, only to face the reality of 2021 and all that came with it.

I have no ideal what April 2022 will bring. If prayers were answered, the wars--both macro and micro--would end, costs of goods and services would lower, and food would magically be available for one and all. Unfortunately, life isn't like that. Still, I'm praying it'll be a better month...for everyone.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Couple Of Beauties...

 Call it a coincidence, call it fate...whatever you call it, I happened upon two classic cars, parked in the same lot at the same time.

So, naturally, I pulled out the phone and snapped some pictures.

Truth be told, I probably would have taking a couple of photos of the classic Volkswagen by itself.

One car, British, the other German. I believe the VW was built around 1972 (give or take...). I used to be able to identify a bug no matter what year it was made. Like many things, that knowledge has fled. The midget I know less about. I'm assuming it's around as old as the bug. I've always loved the way those MGs look and I would love to be able to putter around in one of them, but I've never owned/driven one as I have beetles.

Both cars appeared to be in great shape. I'm sure I could afford to buy neither. However, the goal in life (at least, for me...) is not to be able to have everything I'd like to have. This makes for a potentially very unhappy life. No, I can appreciate the vehicles without having to "own" them.

As I took a picture of the VW, I found it interesting that along with the classic version, I caught a picture of a new bug. I was so excited when it was announced almost thirty years ago (can't believe it's been that long...), that they were bringing the beetle back. I was convinced I'd be getting one. I've had more than enough opportunity to buy one, but I never have. The charm of no heater, no window wiper fluid, no safety standards, and not knowing if you're going to actually make it to your destination isn't usually found in the new beetles.

The midget pulled up as we got out of our car, and the owner of the beetle climbed in his German ride as we left. Two drivers enjoying two classic cars.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

So Good...Wanted More

 We got an advert in the mail a few weeks before the event. I decided I'd like to go check out the open house at the Utah State University extension at our local town. 

I waited until the day of the event, then I forgot all about it. I forgot about it until a few minutes before it ended. I raced to the building only a few miles from my house, parked the car, and ran in.

There I met Dave (I think I'm remembering that correctly...). Being somewhat new to the area, I wanted to know about maybe taking a class, or even better, teaching a class at their extension. We chatted for a while and we discussed the options. I have no idea if things will work out. I'd like to think that if things are meant to be, they'll happen, so we'll see if anything does happen.

The night of the open house, I noticed they had pizza for the attendees. They asked if I wanted any. I declined--my wife was at that moment bringing home dinner for us. But, and this caught my attention, Dave asked, "Would you like some Aggie Ice Cream?"


I hadn't had Aggie Ice Cream since I attended USU in the fall of 1984. That's a long time between treats. As we age, we forget things. I forgot what I ordered the last time I ate the ice cream, but I remembered it was good.

I told Dave I would like some so he went to the fridge and and got one.

"Here you go," he said and handed me the ice cream. I took it home and after dinner, I indulged. I had True Aggie Night which contains vanilla ice cream swirled with raspberry ad dark chocolate raspberry-filled hearts. 

It was delicious...if only the container were bigger. Can't complain too much, it was free.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Spring...Let The Attack Begin coming.

Some would say, it's already here.

Let the attack begin.

When I say "attack," I'm not meaning anything on a grand scale, nothing involving troops or guns or things that cause major damage. No, the attack is in a micro-level and it involves pollen, sinuses, and diminished tolerances. 

It's my semi-annual battle with allergies.

It makes spring not quite as enjoyable as I can be, as it should be.

No--I'm not a "spring person," at least, not as an adult. As a kid, I loved spring. Spring meant it was closer to summer and summer meant going to Lagoon, swimming in the pool, hanging out at the Arcade, riding bikes and skateboard with friends, hiking the hills, going to Idaho for vacation. I'm pretty sure I had seasonal allergies when I was a kid--my siblings can tell stories--but I don't remember those. I remember enjoying spring.

Today, I walked outside to see if the raspberry starts we planted were alive or not. We saw evidence they were, or most of them anyway. I also checked some flowers we planted in the front yard. I snapped a picture of a dead rose. It's one small yard in Northern Utah, there are signs of new life and signs of past life. In the coming weeks, we'll see more of the former and less of the latter. Such is life.

Yes, seasonal allergies are kicking my trash right now. I wonder, if I'm able to look back on this time thirty or more years in the future, will I remember disliking spring, or will I not remember it?

Time will tell.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Happy birthday, Mr. Anderson...Here's To Many Many More

 It's Kevin's of the big ones. 

If you don't know who Kevin J. Anderson is, that's too bad. For he is a man of many talents.

I first met Kevin at the Salt Lake Comic Con, as it was known back then. I was a panelist at the event and I really had no right to be on panels with multi-national best-selling authors, but in a twist of fate, that's what happened. When I found out I was going to be on a panel about writing in the steampunk genre with Kevin (I had published two steampunk short stories at that time...), I arrived early. I did this so I could do a little trickery. The volunteers for each panel place name cards on the stage. After they placed the cards, I re-arranged them so I could sit next to the panel's most famous participant.

I know it's a bit tacky (it's nothing compared to what my friend Dave Butler did on the same panel...), but I wanted to introduce myself to him and chat a little.

I can't remember how many Salt Lake Comic Cons or FanX cons ago that was, but it was many. Since then, I've tried to take a moment to at least say, "Hi" to him and his wife when she accompanies him across the mountain range at the many events he's done in Utah. I feel honored to call him a friend.

But, I'm not alone. It seems everyone who knows Kevin can say the same thing. He is personable, kind, generous with his time for his fans, and a prolific writer. He's always positive, always helping those of us with less writing experience (pretty much everyone...) to become better writers.

The writing world can seem immense, but in many ways, it's made up of many small worlds. People get to know each other and friendships are formed and cultivated. I'm glad I can wish Kevin a very happy birthday to a man who is a better person than a writer...

And he's an amazing writer. Here's to yet another trip around the sun!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Swapping Old (Free)...For New (Free)

 Today, we shopped. We traveled east, found some things we needed, did not find other things we needed. Spent too much time in traffic, then returned home. We decided to stop at one last place in town.

They didn't have what we needed, either.

We turned for home. Instead of going one way, I went another, and that made all the difference.

"Free," the hand-drawn sign said that was attached to the exercise bike. "Look at that," I said to my wife, and I slowed down. "You stopping?" she asked.

The fact that I did answered her question.

The thing is, I've been looking for an exercise bike like this one, one more like a paddleboat than a bicycle, like the one we have in our humble home gym. We obtained that one from our neighbor who didn't want it anymore and had not gotten rid of it yet. I used it whenever I worked out (which was a couple of times a week...). It worked okay, but it was starting to fall apart. The worst part of it was my wife really couldn't use it. For that reason, I was thinking of replacing it with another...

With one like the Free ProForm 955R exercise bike sitting on the side of the road.

My son and I loaded it in the minivan and we took it home with us. I moved the old one out and put the new one in...both used, both free.

I thought it interesting that something unless for one person can be useful for another. Using that theory, there's someone out there who would gladly take our old piece of equipment and be glad for it. Unlike our neighbor, I'm not going to set our old bike out for someone else. I believe it has completed its mission.

Swapping old free for new free...looks like it worked out for us this time.

Friday, March 25, 2022

The Birds...Are Back

 Last week we watched the Jack Black/Steve Martin/Owen Wilson film, The Big Year. If you're unfamiliar with it, you should find it and watch it. Of course, it's not for everyone, but our family loves it. The film follows a group of birders doing a "Big Year." This is when people travel all over the country/world identifying as many birds as possible in a twelve-month period.

Don't understand the hobby/obsession? Don't worry. They explain the rules in detail throughout the film. Personally, I think traveling to different parts of the country to see as much nature as possible could be amazing, and I'll probably never do it.

Located about twenty miles due south of our house is a world-famous bird refuge. The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is located where the Bear River reaches the northern-most part of the Great Salt Lake. I've never been. I should go.

But, I do not need to travel to see at least one bird species. Last spring--our first spring living here--we found out that our valley is a direct migratory path for geese. We watched as thousands and tens of thousands of birds took several days to fly over. It was was beautiful.

This week, we heard the familiar honks of geese and we spotted the first flocks. Before we moved, we knew things would be different, that we'd love some things and miss others. The birds are back. We're so glad they are.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

One Of My Favorite Puzzles...EVER

 We entered the store and I was sent on an assignment...go see if they have this or that.

So, I went to see if they had this or that.

Turns out, I found something better.

I'm talking about our shopping trip to Costco...the something better being a Dowdle puzzle. But, not just any Dowdle puzzle (for we have many...), a Costco puzzle. This combines two of our favorite things.

A good puzzle, in my opinion, gives you something to look at--to ponder--while you're spending time putting it together. If you share this opinion, I think you'll like this particular item. It's like a "Where's Waldo" situation, but instead of Waldo, there's dozens of people to find. There's kids running around, there's older men relaxing on the sofas, there's a guy trying out the exercise bike. You can look at it over and over again and see something new each time.

Another sign of a good puzzle.

I attached a video of the picture that comes with the puzzle to help with the assembly. You can stop the video and maybe see some of the detail. Unfortunately, the video is in a small window--can't really change that.

The family put it together in a few days. That's pretty good for us. Just looking at it, you'd think it would be a tough one to finish, but in some ways, it was easier.

If you happen to be sent on an assignment for this and that while in Costco, you may come across the puzzle. I recommend picking one up...

If you like that sort of thing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Yes...I Am An Expert On The Napoleon Fireplace Model B36NTRE

 Funny how a little bit of knowledge can make you an expert.

I'm kidding.

Watching a short YouTube video does not an expert make, but sometimes, you feel like an expert.

A few months ago, we had a bad storm blow through. We have a Napoleon Model B36NTRE gas fireplace in our house. We're not too familiar with gas's a first for us. We know that we turn on the fireplace by flipping a light switch on the wall. We wondered if the power went out, could we light it and at least have a heat source in the home. We were told it was possible.

So, being proactive, I thought I'd check out the fireplace. When I was done, we could not find the battery back-up (to start the fire without power...) and the fan blower stopped working.


Last week it got cold, possibly for the last time this season. We decided to start the fire one last time. I decided to once again "check it out." True to form, after I was done with the checking, now the pilot light was out and I didn't know how to turn it back on. 

That's easy, I thought. The internet will know.

Turns out, the internet was wrong. At least, what I could find was wrong. Every site I looked up was wrong. It had the wrong hardware and gave me instructions I could not do. I decided to do a specific internet search. I entered the exact model number and the search yielded one result...a YouTube video about how to install a fireplace. Since I wasn't having any luck, I thought I'd give it a shot. If you'd like to watch the video yourself, just click: HERE.

I'm glad I did. It showed me how to fix the fan and how to re-light the pilot light.

Of course, I'm not expert...I just felt like one for a little while.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Come On...You Know You've Always Wanted To Produce A Movie!

 I mean, it's true, isn't it? Don't we all want to be part of the creative process? This is a film in which my friend Blake is heavily involved. He's used social media to chart the kickstarter progress and yesterday he posted that they had met their goal.

I thought I'd missed my chance to help with their herculean efforts.

I was wrong.

I know very little about Kickstarter. I've never set one up. Today I was happy to see that the giving window has not yet closed--they're going for more.

I've been (barely...) involved in a few film projects. A screenplay I wrote was made into a film short. I was an extra on a couple of projects decades ago, and I like to watch movies. But, I'm no expert. I do know, however, that making a movie requires more than a script, some actors, and cameras...there's craft services, of course.

But seriously, there is so much involved in making a film--any kind of film that it can discourage most. Thankfully, Blake is not like most. It's his passion and I love how he pursues his dream. 

If you're interested and want to help, click: HERE for more information.

Come know you want to.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Maybe...I Should Create A Cat Blog


What is it about cats?

We have two. We'd like to have one. So, what to do with the other one?

Maybe I should make a cat blog.

Blogs...I don't think anyone writes blogs anymore. Okay, that's not true. Some of us still write blog posts--the problem isn't enough writers, but readers.

Then, there's cats. Though I have not researched the subject matter thoroughly, I hear a lot of people like to view pictures and videos of cats on the world wide web. They're very popular. 

Then, I would write silly...some would say, stupid...captions and phrases to the pictures/videos. I'm sure it would be an internet sensation.

But, will I do it? Will I start yet another blog? Even though the subject matter is definitely worth it, I don't think I'll be blogging about SamDean Winchester.

But, who knows? Maybe I will.

Time will tell.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Give Thanks...Things To See

 Each night I've been taking the dog outside know...and in the past couple of weeks I've had the opportunity to watch a waxing moon become a full moon. Because a nearly-full and full moon on a cloudless night is one of the most amazing things to see, I try and snap a picture or two.

It usually ends the same way...not representing anything to what I'm actually seeing. 

It's at times like that I remember just how amazing the human eye is. Now, I don't wish to be insensitive to those who are unable to see, or their eyes do not work properly. It's just that, with almost all things, imitation almost never matches the original. I believe that no camera works as well as the human eye.

Of course, I'm no scientist or inventor so there may be something out there that is as good as a human eye, but I doubt it.

I remember being a small (ish) child in church and we'd be asked what we were thankful for. Inevitably, someone would answer they were thankful to be able to see. They would then proceed to list all the things they saw...beautiful skies, trees, baby deer, a new bicycle. But, in reality, they could have just stopped at, "thankful to be able to see."

I'll keep trying to capture the "perfect shot," something that perfectly represents what I saw. Chances are, that won't happen. Still...I'm thankful I can try.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Another Bumper Rock Crop...Just Like Last Year

 How quickly spring arrives. Why, it seems like just yesterday we were working in the yard, moving rocks. 

Lots and lots of rocks.

Last year, we put in grass. That was a minor miracle. We found the cheapest way possible to pull the sprinkler pipe through the rockiest land you ever saw. We helped put in the sprinkler system and when summer hit, we had a yard.

It was a blessing...something we needed. Now, with the big stuff in, we need to focus on the smaller things, like taking care of the space between the house and the grass. The problem is, the projects don't feel "smaller." They feel pretty big. Today my wife and I took on a couple of patches, the space at the end of the driveway and a section near the back door.

We only worked a few hours, but the difference was shocking. Now, we've got to just figure out how we can finish up.

Whenever I see someone post on social media the birth of a new child, I remember bringing home each of our four children. There's one thing I always forgot about bringing home a baby...the days of getting a good night's sleep were over. Working in the yard today reminded me of something I had forgotten--just how sore and tired my body feels after even a short time in the yard.

I also forgot just how rocky this land is. Yes, we had another bumper crop of rocks this spring...just like last year.

Friday, March 18, 2022

That Brilliant, Unfamiliar Feeling Of...Sleeping In

 I almost couldn't believe it...I glanced over at the AM/FM Alarm Clock Radio W/Cassette communications system on my nightstand and the time read 8:22am. I was blown away.

At first, I didn't believe it. Sometimes I think I'm genetically unable to sleep beyond 7am. When I work, I get up before that time, of course, but on my days off, oh how I wish I could sleep in, even just a little. Last weekend, I woke up every day I didn't work at the same time I would have needed to wake up had I worked.

I think the Daylight Savings Time changed helped, and not just because it was darker outside. Usually, outside light doesn't affect my sleep very much. Then again, maybe Daylight Savings Time didn't play into it. I mean, it's been almost a week of adjustments since the time change.

This morning, interruptions from the cat to wake me, no alarm clock buzzing, nothing just uninterrupted sleep...

Until 8:22am, at least.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Farvel Herr Jensen...Du Vil Blive Savnet

 My friend's father passed away. I think I knew Alan for a few weeks/months before I found out his mother was a native Dane and his father served a LDS mission to Denmark. Of course, I was drawn to the couple immediately and in college found many excuses to go to my friend's house and hang out with my friend his parents.

Now, they're both gone.

Because of life, theirs and ours, I've barely seen my friend in the past twenty or so years. As we get older, we trade past relationships for current ones, accepting responsibilities of family for good times with friends. I wouldn't give up the past couple of decades spending time mostly with my family for anything, but time  machines don't exist...we're only given so much time and how we chose to spend that time not only defines us, but determines who we become.

The last time my wife and I saw my friend and his family was ten years ago...almost to the day...when we attended my friend's mother's viewing. Bittersweet. We caught up, bemoaning the reason for getting together. Then, my wife and I drove home, leaving them to their new reality, us to ours.

Since that time, my wife lost her father. My parents were already passed. It's a strange sensation when you realize both your parents are gone. There's no longer one left to help remember a fading memory or help with a project or just to shoot the bull. There's a finality when both your mother and your father have passed. It's hard to explain, but once it happens, you understand. Nothing will ever be the same.

Herr Jensen var en fantastisk person. Han var talentfuld, venlig, altid med et smil. Han overvÃ¥get LDS templet i Danmark, blandt mange andre ting. Han ogsÃ¥ opdraget en talentfuld og venlig søn, en person jeg savner at være med som vi en gang gjordt. 

Yes, Alan's dad will be missed. Indtil vi mødes igen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day...And Also The Day Before

 I know, I's a day early, but many of you (my dozens of readers...) may not see this until tomorrow and tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, the 2022 version.

I don't do it often, but occasionally I'll check back on previous blog posts to see what happened years ago. I did a quick search of my blogs for "St. Patrick's Day." Looks like those words appeared in one post, a post from 2013. Not being Irish, we don't usually celebrate the day very much, other than wearing a bit of green. And my wife occasionally makes corn beef and cabbage. That's about it.

But something happened back in 2013 that I thought was a wonderful memory for our family. My nephew got engaged. In some ways the nine years have gone by quickly, but it also feels like they'd be celebrating a greater anniversary number. The post highlights other couples who chose the Irish Day as a day to get engaged.

In an interesting turn of events, if you read that original blog post from 2013 which you can access by clicking: HERE, you'll see that the couple was actually engaged on March 16th, 2013, not the 17th, so unbeknownst to me, today is the real anniversary for them.

Funny how things work sometimes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Now...I Wish I Would Have Bought It

 Yeah, it was hokey and I snapped the picture for a quick self-deprecating joke. I posted the photo, threw in the corny caption, and I believe it was a success.

Makes me wish I had actually bought the thing.

Being without hair for more than thirty years, you get used to looking a certain way. It's the same face/head you've seen in the mirror basically since 1987. I've long since accepted my genetic reality. Would I like to have a full head of hair and/or the ability to grow a beard, sideburns, a mustaches, a soul patch, a goatee? Probably, though from what I've heard, having to shave everyday is a pain in the...face.

I had several people comment on the social media picture I posted. One friend even dared me to put on the mustaches and/or soul patches and post the evidence that I had. Too bad I didn't buy it. I might have actually taken the selfie and let everyone see. That's another thing--I don't do selfies too much, either.

Maybe next time I'm in that particular store, and I remember it, I might just go over and see if they have any more mustaches and soul patch kits. If I remember, I might just buy it...

Unless it costs more than a few dollars. If that's the case, might as well buy a toupee. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

It's All About...Perspective

 Last week my wife and I did a little shopping. We stopped at a WinCo store in the county to the east. The store is new, only open a few months. As far as shopping goes, I like the's clean, the employees are friendly, and they have a lot of stuff crammed into that store, much like many other supermarkets.

But, not all stores have full shelves.

It's all about perspective.

We're in a culture war, a fight for opinions. People skim social media for photos/videos/quotes that support their opinions. Take, for example, the picture I posted the other day of the WinCo aisle. If I wanted, I could have used the picture to say that everyone crying about empty shelves are wrong. Why are they wrong? Because I have a photo of a Logan, Utah grocery store with shelves full of food. Proof! There's no supply chain problem...and here's my proof.

If you know me, you know I'm no expert on supply chain issues--very few are. I never said my photo proves a point of view, and if I did, my opinion should not hold much weight. Even with this photo overflowing with edible opulence, I can believe that the country is in trouble, even if I can't see it.

I posted the picture because I liked the perspective. You can see the vanishing point in effect. I liked that there's one shopper at the end of the aisle giving the photo character. The picture, to me, is America. Also, in the caption I was able to use the word "opulence" and credit one of my favorite movie quotes (thanks, Matt, for picking up on that...). My picture was not to persuade, but to entertain. Funny how a picture can do many things...

It's all about perspective.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Give Thanks...Growing Raspberries

 Does thirteen plants constitute a ranch?

Okay, I know...ranches are more associated with the raising of animals, but yesterday we planted thirteen raspberry plants on the northern side of our lot. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, ranch has three definitions:



  1. An extensive farm, especially in the western United States, on which large herds of cattle, sheep, or horses are raised.
  2. A large farm on which a particular crop or kind of animal is raised.
  3. A house in which the owner of an extensive farm lives.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

So, I suppose it may turn into a raspberry ranch one day.

Before we moved in, our builder asked if we wanted a rock retaining wall between our property and our neighbors. I love rock walls so of course, we said, "yes." We believe that this was a win-win for the builder. He didn't have to pay to haul off the boulders. I also suspect every rock came from our lot. After our neighbors put in a beautiful cedar fence, we were left with a shelf, maybe six feel wide running the length of the backyard. It was my wife's idea to plant something there...grapes, or perhaps, raspberries.

Yesterday, my son and his wife called to see if we wanted some raspberry plants. Her father was thinning his stock and we jumped at the idea. A few shovel turns, a few rocks removed, and we had our field. Thanks to some rain during the night, the starts should be on their way to growing strong and providing years and years of plentiful fruit.

I'm thankful we have others looking out for us. They didn't have to call and offer the plants, but they did. It was a nice thing to do. Now, we just need to keep them alive so they can come over and enjoy the bounty.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

How Can Ten Years Go By So Fast...?

 Got another "Memories" on social media today. It's strange that they're selecting things I once posted that are now more than a decade old.

How can ten years go by so fast?

I suppose that's a sign of getting older. It still blows my mind that it was only ten years after my father passed away, I graduated from high school. I lived a whole lifetime in those ten years. From eight to eighteen, it was way more than just a decade of time. 

Ten years ago, we lived in Farmington, Utah. And on March 11, 2012, our family visited the Farmington City Library where my daughter sat on the floor and picked out a book. While she was checking it out, I snapped a picture--probably used a Kodak digital camera which I took with me everywhere back then.

It's ten years later. My daughter is driving home from seeing a play in which she helped choreograph. She's earned one degree. She's a young woman making decisions that will affect the rest of her life. The building in which I took the photo is gone...bulldozed and is now a parking lot. I wonder if the book still exists. We'll probably never know what book it was so there's no way to know if it's still part of the Davis County Library system.

We now live two counties over in a place I never imagined myself living. We no longer "check out" books at the library...we download them and read them on a screen. No more sitting on the floor, no more discovering the wonder of touching a physical object that someone wrote and someone else published.

A decade has passed since that winter evening. So much has changed. I can't believe it's flown by so fast. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

It's March...Wish It Was August

Many sports fans love March. It makes sense...there's a little tournament nicknamed "March Madness." Normally, I enjoy following the tournament. This year, I don't know if there will be any local teams involved so I may skip it.

In the past couple of years, I've skipped a lot of sports...

Like, all NFL games, almost all NBA games, all MLB games.

Removing sports in my life isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have many friends who follow no sports whatsoever. They use their time doing other things, like writing books. Unfortunately, I haven't spent my time away from sports writing like they do. If I used the time like they do, I've have written millions of words filling volumes of books.

A few blocks from our house there's a semi truck dealership. There are several trailers parked on the of them is unique. It's the semi trailer for the Utah State University football team, and it's beautiful. I am an Aggie fan. They're my second-favorite local college football team. I will root for them every time they play...unless, of course, they play my favorite college football team. Then, sorry to be true to my school.

It's March, an incredible time for sports fans, if you like the sports being played right now. But give me August, and even though it's way too hot in August, it's my favorite time of the sports year.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

When The World Is Devoid Of Color...

Two nights ago, while taking the dog out so he could do his business, I glanced across the street at our new streetlight. With the falling snow, it cast a cool glow on the ground and in the air. After the dog went to his room for the night, I went back outside and snapped a couple of pictures.

I let the pictures sit for a few days. I didn't know if I would post them in any capacity or if they'd end up like so many other photos that exist digitally somewhere in the cloud. Tonight I took a closer look at the photos and noticed something interesting...

There's no color.

Of course, black and white are colors. I understand that. And I'm sure if you were to take the photos and examine them more carefully, you'd see varying shades of colors, but to my eyes, they looked as if I had manipulated them by taking out all colors leaving only black and white. Nope...these photos are unfiltered.

It's impossible to capture the feeling of the moment. A photo or video is about as close as we can get. I loved just looking at the scene before me...a fine mist illuminated by the overhead light. It was beautiful and intimate and fragile.

I'm glad I experienced it...even if there wasn't much color.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hey...That's Not Smoke

 From our little town, at certain vantage points, you can see a long way away. We noticed something the first winter we were here. There's a factory or some sort of directly south of us that we couldn't identify. There are some interesting companies up here and I thought maybe it was a business associated with the Great Salt Lake, like a brine shrimp processing plant. Nope--I was wrong. From out house, we can barely see the building itself, but at times, we see the cloud rising above it.


At least, that's what most people think it is.

Turns out, we have a neighbor who works in that building. They process paper products. Last summer he and I were shooting the bull and when I found out where he worked, I asked him if it was the building with the all the smoke above it.

That's when he stopped me.

"It's not's steam."

He seemed to take my statement a little personal, so I followed up and asked why. Turns out, after working at the building for years, he's heard from concerned citizens many times that his building is an environmental polluter. They've complained that they really should do something about all the gunk their company is putting in to the air.

My neighbor then said something with a sly smile on his face. "You know how you can tell it's steam and not smoke?

I shook my head.

"It's because you only see the cloud in the winter. If it were smoke, you'd see it all year around."


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Shrine Of The Unknown...

 Because I live in Utah, the city in which I live is laid out in a grid. The streets run north/south, east/west. Because of this logical, yet boring system there are several ways for us to reach our house from the city center.. There's one street that I usually take because it's basically a business route, devoid of residential homes and side streets. 

You could say it's a lonely road.

We've lived in this community for a year and a half and every time I take that lonely road, I drive past a small shrine at the side of the road. Last week I decided to stop and snap a few pictures. I don't know what I was expecting to see when I stopped, but I drove away knowing as much about the memorial as I did before I stopped.

I'm assuming it's a spot where someone died. I remember seeing a ton of these crosses on the side of the roads in Montana. I'll see them occasionally at other places, too, but Montana had a lot of them. I thought when I pulled up to the one close to our home it might have a name or a date, or at the very least a "R.I.P." 

I saw nothing.

Nothing except some fake flowers and a beer can (I didn't even look to see if the can was opened--I'm hoping it was empty...). 

Every time I drove by the shrine, I always wondered who it was for. Now, after stopping and checking it out, I'll still wonder who it is honoring as I choose to take the lonely road home.

Monday, March 7, 2022

One Of My Favorite Shows...

 I found myself thinking of a show I did years ago. One picture from a social media site and it all came back, the music, the people, the amazing time we had on, and backstage. The show was Shrek, the Musical, and it was a blast.

It was 2015 at the Centerpoint Legacy Theatre in Centerville, Utah. I'd never seen the show, nor had I heard the music, but after doing the show, it became one of my favorites. I had seen the animated film, but after being in the musical, I can't bring myself to watch the film again...and even though there's some amazing voice talent in that movie, it's just not the same. It needs the music.

Every show has its own feel, its own vibe. For Shrek, it was always charged, as if we couldn't wait to get onstage and do the show. I can honestly say not all shows are like that...some, but not all.

A local theater company is doing Shrek, the Musical this summer. I've worked in that theater before--great venue, great people. Maybe it was the casts and people at the theater where I did the show...maybe it's the show itself. I can't be sure, but I'll bet that those people fortunate enough get in the show this summer will love it and they'll be unable to wait to get on that stage and perform the crap out of the show.

And I hope when it's all said and done, it'll be one of their favorite shows, too.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

When A Friend You've Known For Decades Passes Away...Shauna Will Be Missed

 The social medial world has many sides. On the one hand, we can send and receive messages allowing us to keep in touch with thousands--even millions of people instantaneously. We can even do live video conferencing and chats keeping us informed and "up to speed."

On the other hand, with so many people so accessible, people can sort of drift away. There's no way you can keep all those people always in your life. So, in a way, there are more people, and theoretically, they should be closer, but they're not.

A friend of mine passed away in December of last year. I found out Friday. I've known Shauna for probably forty years. She married into a family I've known even longer, a family that I've been associated with still, a family that has played an important part of my life.

Around 1990 I heard that Shauna and her husband were moving out of the country for her husband's job. She wondered if I wanted to find a few roommates and rent out her home in the Sunnyside area of Salt Lake. It was a couple of blocks from the University of Utah. I loved living there. It became a place for my friends and fraternity brothers to hang out. It was where I was living when I met my wife. Shauna and her husband didn't have to rent out there house, but I'm glad they did.

Years later, with her living half a world away, she wanted to buy my books. That's the ultimate compliment of any writer to have someone request a book they've written. Shauna followed me on social media and commented on many of my photos and blog posts.

Shauna lived in Egypt when my wife and I got married. For a wedding gift, she gave us a personalized plaque. On the plaque is our name in English, Egyptian, and Arabic (at least, I think those are the languages...). We put it up in the two houses we've called home. 

I found out she's been gone for months. Even though I haven't seen her in person for many many years, it still hit hard. I'll miss her comments, her quirky sense of humor, her funny stories. Like I said earlier, relationships continued via social media have a good side. I'm glad I kept in touch, even though it was infrequent. She'll be missed.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Murphys' Bed...Or Murphy's Bed?

My son and I had the opportunity to assemble and install a Murphy bed. It was quite the ride! I know about the concept--a bed that folds up into a limited space, perfect for multi-tasking rooms. But, this was the first time I ever put one together, raised it and lowered it, and saw one first hand.

I've never lived in a home where one was installed. It seemed all the homes I've lived in did not need a Murphy bed. After spending several hours de-boxing, then assembling, then installing the thing, I'm now a fan. I can definitely imagine having one of them in our house.

The assembly process reminded me of putting together Ikea furniture...same process. And when we finished the room allowed for a bed to be folded down or when folded up, the room could be used for other things. The question, though is this...

Murphys' Bed, or Murphy's Bed?

A simple intenet search holds the answer:

It's Murphy Bed, not either of the other two options.

So, that's about it.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Resurrecting Game Night...

It was our youngest who suggested it...we ought to have a Game Night.

We agreed.

And so we did.

Sunday night is good for us. The whole family (that still lives at home...) is usually around so we decided that the next Sunday night we'd migrate to the basement and break out the games. 

We first tried Sushi Go Party. It's a great game, but something was off. Either the last time we played we understood the rules better or we were playing with someone who understood the rules better. We played a few rounds, then decided to change games.


The family game.

Ever since we finished the basement and I built the bumper pool/gaming table and set it up, we've had a lot of good times in the basement playing games. There was a time when we used to get together and play son thought we ought to resurrect it. Playing games is great, but, the games we play are less important than being together...doing something together. Sure, we can watch a movie or a TV program and all be in the same room, but that's just people watching a screen. When we play games, there's no screens, no "news of the world," nothing but the game...

And the unusually bad hands I kept getting.

Family Game Night...Love it!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

That Time I Saw "Hamlet" At Hamlet's Castle...

I came across a photo of a Northern European castle the other day.

It brought back the memories.

If you're unfamiliar with this particular castle, it's in the city of Elsinore. Many call it Elsinore Castle, but to me it'll always be Kronborg Castle. You may not know much about the castle, but there's a good chance you know something of it. This castle is the setting for William Shakespeare's Hamlet. 

As a LDS missionary living in Denmark so many years ago, I visited the castle on several occasions, but there was one time that was flat-out amazing. I was able to see a theatrical production of Hamlet performed at Hamlet's Castle.

The production was from a British theater troupe. They performed outside the castle using the eastern wall as the backdrop. In the picture there's a white tent where the grandstand was. There's were we sat. Even though it's been decades, I still remember that night. Occasionally, the sounds of ferries and other boats could be heard in the strait between Denmark and Sweden.

I'm not the most "theater" person out there, but this one experience is something unique, something I'll tell my theater friends when I'm in a show. No, I've never seen a Broadway show in NYC, but very few people can say they've seen Hamlet performed at the castle about which it was written. That was a great night.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Pictures Of Desserts...And The Accompanying Comments

 I post a lot of pictures on social media. I know others who post many many more pictures than I do. Likewise, I know people who post almost none. I started posting daily pictures over a decade ago...4000+ so far. I figured out a long time ago that I wasn't posting the pictures for the reactions. I did it because I wanted to keep up my photography skills and to show everyone just some of the things I see everyday.

I don't post pictures, necessarily, for the comments.

Oh, I like comments, for the most part. It's fun to read the thoughts of others and see what they think about what I saw and photographed. Some photo genres get more comments than others...namely, pictures of desserts.

It makes sense. You shove a photo of freshly-baked doughnuts in front of my eyes and I take notice. My mouth begins to water and I suddenly get the urge to have a doughnut. After all, aren't we all Pavlov's dogs? I suggest we are.

Because we got a functional oven last month, we've been on a baking craze and what better to bake than desserts? Okay...lasagna is up there, too. And because the desserts both look and taste so good, I just had to photograph them and post the pictures. That's when I get the comments.

Because I take and post a picture a day, I don't take pictures of everything I eat...just certain ones.