Tuesday, April 26, 2022

When You Write/Post Every Day...You Wonder When It Will End

 If you consciously do something every day--something you don't have to do, but have chosen to do on a daily basis--it's weird thinking about that activity stopping.

There are many things I do daily...many have to do with personal hygiene (you know, the basics...), but there's others. I try and read/listen/study my scriptures daily. I try and say my daily prayers. I usually eat something. 

Then, there's other things I do, at least, I've done for over a decade, like post a daily picture on social media and write a daily blog post. I've thought about what that means. It means that since January, 2011 I have accessed the internet. For many, that's more like a curse than a blessing. I've also had to try and come up with something--anything semi-interesting to write about and post.

It also means that I've posted a picture and written a blog post the day my son left on his mission (and returned...), the day we got me a new--to me--car, the day we decided to move and the day we moved, and the day my sister collapsed at work, the day she died, and the day we held the funeral.

Every day, without fail, without exception.

If I continue to write and post every day, I'll write about so many other things, both the best days and the worst days, the accomplishments and the failures...the opposition in all things. Of course, I don't always write about these things, but when a great/terrible thing happens, I'll be on my computer/tablet/phone putting something out there.

Today...sort of ordinary. I went to work, we made some adjustments to the pet situation, enjoyed a delicious home-baked dinner, and now chilling at home, watching an incredible, yet somewhat frustrating This Is Us episode, and finishing up something I do on a daily basis.

I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. On paper, there's work, breakfast/lunch/dinner, maybe some yard work, and "fingers crossed" get in a little writing. At least, I hope that's how it goes. 

Then again, there might be something incredible that happens.

Then again, something incredible always happens, every day. And, God-willing, I'll be here to write/post something.

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