Sunday, December 25, 2022

Give Thanks...For Christmas

 My youngest played Santa last night as the family gathered in front of an electronic fire blazing on the TV. We had no where to go, we had warmth and shelter and more food than a couple of families could possibly eat in one sitting. We are, in a word...


We sat in a circle as my son searched though the wrapped boxes and bags. Once identified, my son delivered the presents to their new owners--a transfer from giver to given. 

It's easy to get complacent when life is good. You see the world through a blessed perspective, where the worst things that happen are called "First-World Problems." Sometimes, we forget about others and what they're going through. Last year at Christmas, my sister was recovering from some health issues. I don't think she or her husband or her children or her grandchildren knew it would be the last Christmas she would spend with them.

She passed away a few days later.

On social media yesterday and today, I noticed all the "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" posts, but I also noticed a few others. People asked for us to be mindful of those who didn't have family surrounding then in a warm room by a fake fire with dozens of lovingly-wrapped gifts about to be delivered, others who were alone or hurting or lacking that "milk of human kindness" we hear so much about. There were people who recognized the need of others.

As I get older and I see that life is not just a right, but a privilege...the ultimate gift. We will all have a time when it will be our last Christmas. Does that change the way we look on the events of his day? I hope for me it. does. I am so grateful for my incredible family, for the home where we gathered, for the food we ate. I'm grateful for Christmas, a day that we shouldn't rely on helping us realize just how blessed we are, but we sometimes do.

I hope you and yours, wherever you find yourself either surrounded by friends and family or just with yourself and maybe a pet or two, I hope you had a wonderful and blessed day. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

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