Sunday, January 15, 2023

Give Thanks...For Selfless Friends

 There's a group consisting of a couple of hundred people (or more...) that received some news at the beginning of the year. We're a close-knit group...close because we've shared common experiences, and there's one person that brought us all together...

Blake Casselman.

If you're unfamiliar with Blake, he is an extraordinary individual. He wears many hats, screenwriter, teacher, film director/writer/producer, husband, father, friend. And since 2013, he's also been the Programming Director for the FanX Salt Lake Comics Convention, formally known as Salt Lake Comic Con. On New Years Eve he took off the Program Director hat and transferred it to another. 

End of an era.

Every once in a while a person enters your life that, unbeknownst to you at the time, will change your life forever. I didn't know many years ago it would happen to me. I was attending LTUE, a writers symposium held in Orem, Utah and I sat in on a screenwriting class. Blake was one of the panelists. After the panel I introduced myself to him and told him one of my scripts was made into a short film. He invited me to attend a screenwriters group that met every other week. I accepted his invitation and started attending.

When the first Salt Lake Comic Con was announced, Blake was hired to be the Programming Director. He approached me and several other writers and artists and asked if we'd like to participate as panelists. I accepted that invitation as well. Thus began an almost decade-long relationship with Blake and the convention. I started as a panelists and a few years later, I began helping Blake and his team as an Assistant Programming Director. 

It's difficult to express just what this friendship has meant to me. Because of Blake giving me an opportunity, I've made life-long friends in the writing community. I submitted a novel that was published by those friends and I've had so many incredible experiences that I doubt would have happened had I not entered that screenwriting class years ago and struck up a conversation with the very approachable Blake Casselman.

The news of Blake stepping down reached our panelist community on New Years Day. As part of his team, I knew of his decision earlier. I know the reaction of the other panelists because it was mine as well--shock, sadness, a feeling that the convention that we all love had lost a kind and selfless soul. Many of us know how hard he fought for us, but few understood just how hard he fought. Working with him behind the scenes, I saw.

The FanX Salt Lake Comics Convention will continue. Blake with participate with us, but this time as a panelists, an incredible weight no longer resting on his shoulders. It'll be nice to see him free to enjoy the event that owes so much of its existence to him, so much that makes the event special because of him. If you know Blake, you understand. I, and so many, are fortunate to call him friend.

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