Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Times Have Definitely Changed...

 Today I filled out my ballot, sealed the envelope, and set it on the kitchen table. It's election day and things have definitely changed. In fact, in our little town, there's no open polls or polling station, so for us the only way to actually vote is...

Through the mail.

I'm not a political junkie--I mean, the subject interests me, but it also disgusts me. I want to participate in the process and so I vote. It's an "off year" so the choices for our little town are few. We voted anyway. And I think we're pulling for the underdogs so they probably won't make it. We're relatively new to the area so I don't know the stories behind the names, the histories the locals know.

Even though I complained about long lines at the voting stations in the past, I actually enjoyed seeing neighbors, talking to them, catching up. There was also an excitement in the room, a feeling like the actions had weight, that they mattered. 

I wonder if I'll ever feel that again.

Now, we drop off our ballots in a box whenever we went. We can vote days, weeks in advance all in the name of convenience. We've given up a lot for convenience.

I've long ago given up on some aspects of the political machine. It seems people don't or won't change, which frustrates me, because not enough people think the way I do. Then again, who's to say I'm always right?


We voted this year. I hope to be able to vote next time, too...

No matter how many changes occur between now and then.

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