
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

God Save The King...Or Konge

Something happened over the weekend that if you weren't paying attention, you probably missed it. There was a peaceful transfer of power in a small European country, where one leader, a queen who ruled for ver fifty years stepped down and gave the crown to her eldest son.

Not quite the attention another royal transfer received only a few months ago.

But, from the little experience I've had living in that small European country, I'm sure the people of Denmark never wanted all that attention anyway. I mean, when's the last time you heard of the latest Danish Royal Family scandal?

My guess...never.

Something the people of people of Denmark appreciate.

From an ignorant America's point of view, the Danish Royal Family is everything the British Royal Family wishes they had--no slight to Great Britain, mind you. It's possible if all the world's scrutiny and attention were paid to the Danes that were paid to the Brits, maybe all those skeletons would show themselves, too.

Queen Margrethe II broke with a millennium of tradition and abdicated the crown. On Sunday her son, Frederik became King Frederik X. I picked the photo from LiveCities website--there's thousands more, if you care to look. When I lived in Denmark, Frederik became the crown prince when he turned eighteen-years old. They even minted a 10 Krone coin to celebrate the occasion. I picked up one of those coins when I was's in my collection somewhere. I thought it was cool that the crown prince and I were about the same age, both placed in new situations...that's where any similarities end.

I've seen some posts on social media from friends, both still in Denmark and those who live here. It's a big deal. It's not everyday they get a new leader, a new figure upon which to look, a new person who is the face of their country. It would have been amazing to be in Copenhagen on Sunday, to be a part of history.

No, you probably didn't hear about the newest European king and queen. It's too bad. They deserved more press...

Even though they wouldn't have wanted it anyway.

God save the king.

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