
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Just Saw "Bank Of Dave"...And I Think You Should Too

 My wife and I came across a delightful little film the other day. It's called Bank of Dave, and it was wonderful. 

There was a time, many years ago, when I used to keep up with films and which ones were being released, which ones were worth seeing, and which ones to avoid. Of course, back then in "The Dark Ages," there were far fewer films in existence, at least, the ones we heard about. It was easier back then.

Bank of Dave is a story loosely (and I stress, loosely...) based on a true story. The main character is a man named Dave Fishwick who had the idea of starting a financial institution in England. Pretty much everything else in the film is, shall we say, embellishments.

But I don't care.

It's a great little film.

Dave is one of the good guys. He lives in a small Northern England town and when you're a good guy in a small town, you help out others. Dave went above and beyond, to the point where the idea of him opening a bank seemed the next logical step.

To an naive (or ignorant...) American, you'd think if someone wanted to open up a bank, you do it. Apparently, that's not how things work in England. No, you have to submit a formal request and based on history from the past one-hundred and fifty years, their answer will be..."No."

There's not been a new bank approved in England for a century and a half. That alone is prime material for a story. And a story they made.

If you're interested, you can find Bank of Dave on Netflix. It's not flashy, there's no car chases or bomb threats or gratuitous scenes of the flesh...just a basic little story you ought to check out. I'm glad we did.

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