
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thought I Could Finally Take A Good iPhone Moon Picture...Nope

 Nope...still didn't work.

I did a little internet surfing yesterday and I came across a video on how to get a good photograph of the moon using your iPhone. I was so excited. It's something I've literally tried to do it for years.

Of course, I didn't try too hard. I don't think I ever researched how to improve my phone photography skills. Had I done so, I might have found a way to unlock the secret...that elusive secret years ago.

Still, no.

The video demonstrated how to get a good moon photograph. The trick is to not use the "Photo" mode. What you do is go to "Video" mode. Then zoom in and push the screen up. That's where you can adjust the exposure, the amount of light allowed in.

Never new about that.

I was so excited to put my newfound information to the test. Thankfully, we have a cloudless sky tonight. I waited until it was dark, then went outside to capture the beautiful moon almost directly above our house. I followed the instructions to the letter, and...

Still didn't work.

I think it didn't work because I do not have the most advanced iPhone. Mine's not the best camera out there. Perhaps, if I had the latest model, things would look different. It would be nice to have an updated phone, but I'm not going to fork out hundreds of dollars just to get a better moon photo.


If I do one day upgrade, you can bet the first thing I'm going to do is see if I can get a good shot of the moon. I'll let you know how it all works out.

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