
Friday, May 17, 2024

Ah...The Job Search Begins

 It is time. 

Our youngest graduated from a one-year construction management course and he's ready to hit the streets and find a job. Ah...the memories. I think things were different back when I was his age. Of course, that's what old people always say, but it must be true. When I was his age, I wasn't trained like he was. No, I was starting my education journey. It took years for that to complete that.

But, before, during, and even after I got my degree, I was out there, looking for work, doing whatever it took to pay for food and gas for the VWs. Plus, throw in cash for dates and I was happy. I know my son is excited to get out there, but it's tough. 

Doing a little Facebook-surfing, I spotted a construction company looking for help. Truth be told, he has experience, but not a lot. I don't know if they are looking for newbies like him. Then there's the work itself. The listed jobs are not the kinds he most likes. Still, when you're starting out, choosy is not something you can or should be.

He's still looking. We're hoping we can find a crew he can join, better learn the trade, and begin his career. I remember those days. They were tough, but then...

That's the way they're supposed to be.

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