
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Yes...We Created A Franken-Fan...

 You've most likely seen the ads...another brilliant invention to make your already crazy life a little bit better. Actually, the first time I saw one of these things, I was impressed. They created a ceiling fan that can be placed in any ceiling light fixture...

Well, almost any.

We seem to be (yet, again...), the exception that proves the rule. 

Oh, we could have left this thing in our ceiling, but our problem is we have those new-fangled lights that come with their own accent surrounding the light (I don't know what they're called...). In our old house we just replaced the bulb. Now, we have to replace the entire thing.

We took out the unit, and put in the fan. It did go around and around, but since the socket is so high into the ceiling, the fan barely had an inch or two clearance. This means, it couldn't get any air above it to force down. Plus, there was a huge hole with the fan sticking out of it.

No go.

We liked the fan itself, so much so, we thought of how we could us it in the kitchen. The kitchen's the real problem, especially in the summer if you need to use the oven or the gas burners. We wondered why they didn't install a ceiling fan in the kitchen like they did in the living room when they built the house. We got a floor fan and put it on the island in the kitchen. We turned it on and found out why kitchen fans aren't necessarily ideal.

The wind whips the flames on burners and messes with the heating process.


We decided to try something new. We went downstairs and brought up a three-light lamp. I took off the housing and put in the fan in one of the lights. The Franken-Fan actually works great, just don't walk into it. 

We know we'll only be using it for a few months so we're going to keep the experiment going. Luckily, I don't have hair that can get tangled in the thing...

Other people in my family are not so lucky.

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