
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Just A Few Photos Of Clouds...

 After work, I went outside to do some yard work. It needs doing, and truth be told, we're a little behind schedule on our projects. One nice thing about this afternoon was cloud cover. We're not close to the hottest part of the year, but even now, a sunny afternoon is still a bit warm. Another thing cloud cover provides is...

Amazing skies.

I've lost count how many times I've blogged about our skies in Northern Utah. I'm consistently blown away by the beauty, the overwhelming grandeur of the scenes overhead. Tonight, while taking a break I took out my phone and just aimed it up. I snapped a couple of pictures and here's what I saw.

Except, it isn't. Cameras are limited and many times they cannot capture the brilliance I see. Imagine instead of a photograph with borders and limitations, a sky stretching in every direction.

I wonder if I'll ever stop taking random pictures of the clouds above. I can tell you this, as long as they're as stunning as they were this afternoon...

I'll keep shooting.

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