
Friday, June 28, 2024

Finally...It's My Turn To Do A Little Snackin'

 It wasn't until the bag of fast food was passed from the drive-through window, through the driver's side window, from the driver, to me sitting in the passenger seat that I realized I could participate in one of life's great simple pleasures...

Snacking on fresh, hot, crisp french fries on the car ride home.

It's something I rarely do.

You see, when my wife and I decide to go get take-out, it's me who drives. It's not a chauvinist thing...well, maybe it is, but it doesn't feel that way. It's just how we do things. I drive--my wife is handed the sack of food and we drive away. It's my wife who gets to do a little snacking as we pull out of the parking lot and onto the road.

I've been a little bit jealous. Of course, from time to time I might get a fry or two, but I usually wait until we get home. And my wife is more than happy to let me dig my grubby little fingers into the bag and retrieve some fries. It's just I usually wait.

Today, my son wanted to get more practice driving hours so he drove to get dinner and I rode shoot gun.

Because of how great the fries tasted only moments from the restaurant, I might let someone do the driving more often.

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