
Thursday, June 27, 2024

It's A Guy Thing...Revising A Classic Meme

Two years ago I used this exact same meme for a blog post. I didn't realize this until when I entered the label "Bad Financial Decisions" under the Labels section, the website told me I'd used that exact phrase once before.

But, do I look at life differently now?

I'm going to leave what I wrote below. Much is the same as on the previous blog post (if you want to read it click: HERE if you're interested...). On the old post I said I'd include a photographer guy, a drone guy, and a musical instrument guy. I did not include musical instruments on this post. So, hope you like reading my new thoughts on the same topic.

 I suppose it's not just a guy thing, but at least, I understand it. Of the following knights and/or king, I'm maybe half those people. And there's probably things I would put on this list, that is missing. I'm not a boat guy, I'm not a knife guy, or a PC guy, or a golf guy, or a gun guy (not because I'm against them...), or a gamer guy. 

Had I the money, I could be a car guy or a Lego guy or a gun guy or a watch guy. I'd also be a book guy and a camera guy (including drones...), and some other things I'd have to think about.

The reason I'm not a car or Lego or gun or watch or camera or book or other things is based on the big thing all the pointing things are pointing at...bad financial decisions. I'm not saying I always make good financial decisions, but there are a lot of things I don't buy because of that. The main reason is I like to eat, I like my family to eat. I like to sleep under a roof with an address where mail can be delivered and I like my family to have that same level of comfort.

When you think about it, it doesn't matter how much money you have. Even if you're a billionaire, spending money foolishly is a bad financial decision.

Still, I'd like to be a billionaire and test my theory myself.

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