
Friday, June 14, 2024

I Never Met Easton Liechty...But I'm Sure He Was Loved

 Yesterday, I found myself at a city park in Logan, Utah, in an area the locals call The Island. Cache Valley is beautiful, and this particular spot is idilic, surrounded by older trees and a river, unique homes and quaint streets.

In the park I found a plague, a tribute to Easton M. Liechty.

I've never heard of him.

Mr. Liechty passed away (according to Find A Grave website...) March 1997, more than twenty-five years ago. I'm sure when the plaque was placed at the base of a tree (perhaps planted at the same time...) almost everyone in attendance knew Easton, but as time goes on, fewer and fewer people who happen to pass that particular section of the park knew him, or know who he was.

Even though I don't know him, I know someone went to a lot of effort to create the plaque and jump through the hoops required to create the memorial in the first place. 

While the memorial sits under the tree day after day, year after year, do Easton's loved ones drop by to remember the man and conjure those memories they hold dear? Do family take young ones to that park and show them the plaque and tell them about the man they never knew?

I wondered these things after I snapped the photo. No, I never met Easton. I'll bet he was a great guy.

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