
Thursday, June 13, 2024

I Wonder If We Would Drink This...Even If We Hadn't Given Up Artificial Colors

 It's a product that's hard to miss...TruMoo's Blue Milk. It's the dairy equivalent to college football's Boise State field. In short, it's blue.

Years ago we discovered our family had sensitivities to artificial flavors, preservatives, and colors...especially colors. Removing those foods wasn't easy at first, but over the years it got better. We just eliminated foods and drinks (and medicines and other things...) that contained these artificial ingredients. 

But even if we hadn't given up the artificial stuff, would we drink it?

Good question.

I know the milk is a tie-in with Star Wars and they sell blue milk at the Star Wars exhibits at the Disney theme parks. I know many people who have gone to the Disney parks and tried the milk. I haven't heard anything bad so the product must not be too unpleasant.

Maybe if we hadn't sworn off artificial colors, we might try it, but since we did, things with obvious artificial coloring--to me--seems so unappetizing. So much so, I don't think I'd try it.

I guess that's the answer.

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