
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Man...Allergies, At Least For Me, Are Bad This Year

I don't know why, exactly, but this year's allergy season for me has been a tough one. Usually, it only lasts a week or two in the spring, and a week or two in the fall. Because it's not that bad, I just deal with it. I'm not on any prescriptions for it...I just tough it out.

I'm wondering if I need to re-think things.

This spring, I almost thought I had escaped the season. Since it never hits at a specific time, it was coming later than normal this year. Thus, my optimism. But, then the allergies hit several weeks ago, the itching eyes, the stuffed nose. I thought, I guess it didn't pass me by after all.

Like I said, I usually wait it out.

I'm wondering how long I have to wait.

Not being a doctor or a scientist, I'm guessing the super-wet spring last year and the wet spring this year has something to do with it. I did a quick internet search. The number one reason they say this allergy season is worse than others...climate change. Funny, the same headline was found on results from 2024, 2023, get the picture. Personally, I'm calling bunk on the climate change excuse.

I can't tell if it's letting up, or saying the same. The "cup half-full" side of me says things are improving. I'll stick with that.

Here's to this year's allergy season. May the pollen forever be in your favor.

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