
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Getting To Know...Grandma Ona Marie

 Last month I received a treasure, a collection of memories from a woman I never met, but to whom I owe my existence...My Grandma Ona Marie. A family member, Patty, sent me a photo album which included photos of my mother's mother as well as several examples of quilts she made...

Beautiful quilts.

The photo album was such a nice gesture. I'm constantly amazed at how thoughtful and considerate people are...something at which I wish I were better. But Patty went the extra mile, put in time and resources, and sent to--not only me, but to my family--something wonderful.

I never met Marie (her obituary lists her as O. Marie...), but the album gave me a better idea of the woman she was. I never met my adoptive grandmothers, either, one dying about twenty years before I was born, and the other, about a year after. I guess I did meet one of them, but I have no memory of it.

Marie was born in Missouri in 1914 and passed away in Arizona in 2000. The last half of the album is dedicated to her artistic talents of quilting. I don't know how many people quilt anymore...I'm sure far fewer than in generations past. I love the symmetry, the colors. I'm sure every quilt has a story to tell, if not overt, then subtle. It would be fun to have a conversation with her about those quilts.

A year ago, I knew nothing of these people, those who sacrificed for future generations (me...). In the months since I was "found," I'm getting to know them. The photo album is something that allows me to connect, to understand, to appreciate. I'm grateful for them, and the kind gesture of the gift. Thanks, Patty.

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