
Monday, September 2, 2024

Shouldn't Have Called It...Heavy

 This Labor Day morning we decided to do some cleaning, some re-arranging, some discarding. The garage needed cleaning and this morning was a perfect day to do it. We sort of knew what we needed to keep and what we needed gone. The biggest thing that needed to go was a wardrobe my daughter bought last year in anticipation of her and her husband moving into an apartment/home.

That happened over the weekend.

The wardrobe didn't make it on the truck.

No problem--we'll just put in on our local Facebook Classifieds and someone will pick it up. Turns out, others don't think like I do. Last night I took a few pictures of the wardrobe and posted it. I included the dimensions (4' 8" x 6' 1" x 24...). It's a nice unit, well-built and spacious.

But, I did something I shouldn't have done...

I called it heavy.

That's because it is. It took several of us to get it off the truck after we bought it. We parked it in the garage and left it. I mentioned what we wanted for it--at a loss from what we paid-- and even included "o.b.o." a sure sign we want it gone. But I said it was heavy. I immediately included "sturdy." I thought if someone was looking for a good piece of furniture, they would want to be sturdy.

This morning, no hits...not even a whiff. The problem was, we have no place to put it until someone picked it up. We decided to use it for our own storage, so I quickly deleted the post and now it's home for irrigation and gardening supplies. 

Just goes to show you, don't call things, "heavy," not even furniture.

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