Sunday, October 13, 2024

Give Thanks...For My Favorite Team Losing

 It sounds strange, but because my favorite college football team has lost two games in a row, I started writing a new story. 

For the longest time, my weekends in the fall were spent looking forward to the upcoming games. And for the past couple of years, my favorite team did very well...extremely well, and this year was supposed to be one of their best. Turns out, they were not the team everyone thought they'd be. They may still win a majority of their games and have a good season, but it's not what many (including myself at certain times...) believed it would be.

Oh well.

Since the chance of my team to go to the playoffs has basically disappeared, I'm not into the games anymore. Last week we ended up tending my grandson a couple of times and an idea for a book came to mind, so I started it. I'm not too far along--the story's still formulating in my mind--but it's been a lot of fun. Even if no one buys it or it never gets picked up by a publisher, I'm going to finish it.

Truth be told, I should have shed my obsession with sports years ago, or at least, toned it down. I could have accomplished so many things, used that time in other ways. Heck, I could have written dozens of novels in that same time. Getting rid of cable TV a year ago helped curb my addiction. I think this latest turn of events has helped me toward that end.

So, if this story works out, would I still be happy that the team has suffered a couple of losses because if they hadn't, they'd still be in the hunt for the nation's best team? That's a tough question.

As it stands now, I'm thankful for this opportunity. I'm thankful to be able to write something for my family. I'm thankful for directing my efforts toward other things and not be so hooked on things. Strange how things work out, sometimes. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Give Thanks...For The Memories

 A week ago several of my past high school classmates met and celebrated forty years since we were all required--by law--to be together for organized public education.

Forty years.

I did not attend the reunion. 

Not that I didn't want to attend, but because they changed the date from the summer to a weekend in September, I had work conflicts. Bummer. It would have been fun to go and spend time with such wonderful people.

Many who attended posted photos and memories on social media. One Facebook friend posted a link to his cache of high school photos. He was our school photographer and he did a fantastic job. It's amazing to think that all those photos were taken on film, film that had to be was pretty pricey. Now, you can take a thousand photos basically for free.

I was not the most popular student at Davis High School Class of 1984, but I wasn't the most unpopular student, either. I enjoyed my time walking the (literally...) century-old halls of that old school...a series of buildings that no longer exist, by the way. I found all the photos I was in and I am including them here. I want to thank Vance Brand and his wonderful photographic eye that made these photos possible. I hope it's okay to post them. If not, I'll be glad to take them down.

So, I present a series of photos including me and my great friends. I'm thankful for those people and those times. Forty years...can't believe it's been that long.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Give Thanks...For Five-Thousand

It began on a Monday, Monday, January 23, 2011, to be exact. I was late to the party, but I thought it would be fun to start a blog.

That was five-thousand days from today, Sunday, September 29, 2024. I know it's five-thousand days because I've written five-thousand posts, one post, every single day.

I think it's time to stop.

By the time I got into the blogging game, blogs were fading. I didn't care. I enjoyed writing them. Now, almost fourteen years later, I don't know anyone who writes blog posts anymore. They're basically extinct. I know some still write them (because I'm one of those people...). I wonder who--if any--write and post something daily. I'm sure it's rare.

In my heyday, I was getting more than a hundred hits each day. I even made about $100 bucks from Google due to the number of visits. Those days are long gone. I'm averaging between twenty to thirty hits each day, sometimes more when the topic is of interest to many people. Sure, I liked the hits and back then, people even commented on the posts. Now, comments are rare, though still appreciated. I know that those twenty to thirty visits are from friends and family. I appreciate them all, each one, every day.

So, why stop now? Five-thousand is a good round number. It's something I can be proud of, an accomplishment eclipsed by few others, if any. But, every single person who ever started a blog, they all ended them, too. Everyone who started, then stopped, did so for a different reason. There's no one reason for me to stop, other than, it's time.

In the past five-thousand days, I've chronicled my life, the life of my family an friends. I've posted short stories and other snippets of fiction. I've written about weddings, about funerals, reunions, triumphs, tragedies, but mostly normal (some would say, boring...) topics. There were times--not many--when I searched for a topic, racked my brain for something to post. Every time I overcame, I succeeded in posting...something.

I'm not quitting the blogging game entirely. I plan on writing perhaps weekly, maybe a few times a week, especially when things happen I want to digitally remember and to allow others to read as well. It's funny, if I don't post anything tomorrow, I'll want to write a blog post about how it feels to not post anything.

If I don't post anything tomorrow, it's over...the streak ends, something that can never continue. As I get older, I realize, all things that start must have an ending. As the title of a classic Sydney Sheldon novel truthfully proclaims, Nothing Lasts Forever.

For all of you who have read my posts, I'm thankful for you and I hope you continue to do so when I write in the future. I'll notify on social media when a new blog post is written. But, if you move on and find another daily blogger to follow, I completely understand. The world has changed in the past five-thousand days. I've provided a daily glimpse of how those days have affected me and my loved ones, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always daily.

I'm thankful for the ability to write these words, post these pictures. I'm thankful for good health and a (somewhat...) sound mind that allowed me to express myself. And so I say farewell...

For now. God bless you all.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

But, Hey...We're Family

 This year's edition of FanX, the Salt Lake City Comic Con has ended. Thousands of people attended and possibly millions of dollars exchanged hands during the three-day event. If you've gone to this, or other comics conventions you know what you're going to get.

People having a great time.

One of those people is my of the most talented cosplayers I know.

Maddie has been cosplaying for more than a decade. She's diminutive, but don't let her size fool you...she has a marshal arts black belt and works in security. She also is dedicated to making excellent representations of some awesome characters.

I admire people who have the talent, and patience to pull off a good cosplay. When we met up yesterday, Maddie was Abigail, a show I have not seen. The photo doesn't give you the full story of her costume, unfortunately.

Doing FanX for more than a decade, I've seen many cosplayers, some terrific, some not as much, but every time I see someone who put effort into their character, who stepped outside their comfort zone and expressed themselves in a new way. I admire anyone who can do it.

This year's con is over. People are heading home, either by car, bus, train, scooter, bike, or on foot, all the while dressed as someone else, someone new. I'm already wondering what Maddie will be next time.

Friday, September 27, 2024

That's, Um...Impressive

As a volunteer with FanX, I had the opportunity to wander the vendor floor before the crowds descended. I've been involved in every show since it began in 2013. I've walked the floor every year, but this year something caught my attention, something that stopped me in my tracks.

Brandon Sanderson's Dragonsteel booth.

It's spectacular.

If you're familiar with the author and have followed his career (especially in the past couple of years...) you know he's done well, and by well, I mean...well, extremely well. And good for him. I've only met him a few times and each time, a true gentleman.

Any author who's been in the game for more than a short time, you know marketing is part of the deal. All the successful local authors I know understand they need to market not only their works, but they need to market themselves as well. But even the best salespeople know they have to produce the works...they need to put in the work.

I went back a few hours later, once the throngs of people arrived. The Dragonsteel booth was packed and the line to get books signed by the author was long as well. If you go to FanX this year, check out Brandon's booth.

It's truly impressive.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

I Broke Down...And Bought An Uncrustable

 The first year I worked at Lagoon Amusement Park was 1982. My job was to clean the park in the mornings before anyone ever showed up. We clocked in at 4am and we were off the park by 10am. For a teenager, it was a perfect job. I had to go to sleep early so I didn't have time to spend the money I earned by staying up late and buying things (like fast food...).

There was one thing, however, that I did spend money on...the food in the employee kitchen.

Oh, I still remember spending way too much money there.

It makes sense, of course. We worked hard and we built up a healthy appetite. And the company was didn't spend real money in the employee kitchen, but you basically used Monopoly money they printed and took out of your check. I know I wouldn't have spent as much if I had to pay cash for food.

Fast forward forty-two years. I'm working a show at the same park and they have the same employee kitchen. The major change from decades before is the manner in which we pay for food. They scan your employee card. What is the same is the fact that you don't see the money get subtracted from your paycheck.


This year, I sort of made a goal to not spend any money in the kitchen and I was doing pretty good, until last week when I forgot my dinner. Last year I did pretty good because I bought Uncrustable sandwiches. They were cheap and I could eat them quickly. My wife made of ton of sandwiches and froze them for this year. I've been taking them to work for the past three weeks. Last weekend, however, I did forget my dinner so I had to use my card. I've got five or so weekends left of my autumn gig. We'll see how many times I'll have to pay again.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Beauty That Is...A Truck

 Our youngest son bought a truck. He went to school for construction and it made sense he would need a truck for a future job. We looked for several months and found this one. Yesterday we used it to haul away some old too big to fit into a car or even our old van.

That truck is beautiful.

Okay, okay, I's a Ford and many out there are saying to themselves (or even, out loud...), that Fords are less than desirable. I'm not up on my "which trucks are the best" knowledge. Personally, I say whatever trucks run are good (and no jokes about Fords not running...).

Driving that tuck to deliver stuff we no longer needed was amazing. It made me question why we didn't get a truck earlier. I do know the answer to that We never really needed a truck before. Of course, we could have used one, but never to the point where it was a necessity. 

Too bad for us.

For now, we have access to the big Ford F-150. That may change if/when the son moves out to experience new adventures. When that happens, I know we'll miss our son...

And the truck.