Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Last Dance...

Last year, my daughter ended her ballroom dancing time at Silhouette Ballroom Studios. She worked hard and her short time with the company was successful. I thought we were done with that part of our lives, but she decided to take a coaching job with the studio, so her experience with the group extended into 2019.

Saturday night, my daughter and I drove to the rec center where the recitals are held, parked the car, and we both went in. She attended so she could help her teams with their routines, and she and her dance partner danced one last time at a recital, at least, I believe it's the last time she'll be dancing with this particular studio.

My daughter is still dancing. She's attending university on a dance scholarship. I don't know how long she'll put the same time and energy into dancing as she does now. It takes its tole on a person physically and emotionally, but if you love it, it's worth it.

I watched them dance. I filmed it. They performed the same routine a few weeks earlier with some glitches. This time, to quote them, it was "much better." Of course, I thought it was great, and because it's digitally recorded, I can watch it over and over.

In a few weeks, the pair will be off to California to compete at the next level. Unfortunately, we won't be able to attend, but we're hoping to see her dance many more times in the future. There's something amazing to watch your children do things, be it performing, speaking, or just seeing them reading a book. Maybe it's because we see them do things we can either no longer do or could never do in the first place. My daughter definitely gets her grace from her mother.

It won't be her last dance, but it was the last one for this chapter of her life. And she closed the chapter with grace and beauty. That's definitely a good way to go.

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