Thursday, January 2, 2020

What's The Appropriate Mourning Period...Nine Months?

I don't think I was as upset or bummed or depressed at the way the season ended as many of my fellow University of Utah football fans. Maybe we--as a collective unit--were used to the end result, an incredible regular season and then the team losing the last two games. After all, it's the second time in as many years the result's been the same.

Look great--dominant at times--during the first twelve games, then disappear at the finish line.

But no matter how it ended, no matter how many "what ifs" and "what could have beens," you can't take away the things I saw and the feelings we had as a fan base. You can't remove from our collective memories watching great football execution, watching team member after team member pound and crush and enforce their will on opponent after opponent.

We saw an amazing group of student athletes and coaches, cheerleaders and band members show us heart and sweat and blood and pride.

It was a beautiful game.

Once again, I probably allowed too many opinions and highlights and national stories to cloud my judgement. Would I have liked the team to win the conference championship? Of course. Would I have liked the team to line up with the nation's elite? No question. It didn't happen, and as bad as I feel about it, those out on the field feel so much worse. 

In nine months, almost to the day, the men will don crimson and white and once again lace up their cleats to face the next foe. And I'll be there--if not physically--in spirit, urging them on, rooting for their success. They will once again perform amazing feats, dazzle us all with their athleticism, and show us all what a big-league, quality college football program looks like.

So many have expressed their displeasure. And, I suppose, I'm adding my voice to theirs. Sure, the team received praise that was most likely not warranted, and they didn't finish the job they set out at the beginning of the year. But for this fan, I mourn not necessarily for the two-gave losing streak to end the season, I mourn because the season's over and I can't watch an incredible team do incredible things for another nine months.

And what's the appropriate mourning period for that?

Nine months (and three days...).

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