Saturday, January 25, 2020

When A Picture Brings Back All The Memories...

I'm not the most active social networker, but I do post things every day. Sometimes, it's only two things--a Pic Of The Day, and a blog post--and that's usually it. But, when you've posted these things every day for almost a decade, you have a huge photo library saved on certain websites.

This morning, the above picture popped into my Facebook feed. 

And all the memories came rushing in.

I love this photo, mostly because it's a picture of my two youngest sons, sitting in the same chair, reading a book. Flash forward ten years from that day, my youngest is our only kid in school (other than college...), the older of the two is self-employed as a graphic artist. I don't know about the book or the chair, but I know the building where this picture was taken is long gone. There's a new library a few blocks over, but it's not the same library where I went and checked out books, where I went to make copies (basically, the only place in town to make copies...), where I went to study and to research and to find and read the Lord of the Rings and other amazing books.

We all know we can never go back. We can never return to the lives we knew, nor can we be the people we once were. There's wisdom in that, but the wisdom comes at a price. The price is memories.

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