Monday, December 13, 2021

Living In The Land Of The Tumbling Tumbleweeds...

 Last summer, it was a race against time for our new neighborhood. We all worked hard to get our yards in before the winter hit. We started putting in our yard in April. Thankfully, that was enough time for us to get most of it in. A few neighbors across the street were able to complete their projects as well.

There's a house on our street that wasn't able to put in their yard...they'll have to wait until next spring. But, last weekend we woke to the sound of a four-wheeler puttering around the neighborhood. When we looked out, we saw they had attached a blade to front of the four-wheeler and they were removing most of the weeds that had accumulated throughout the past year.

Boy...there were a lot of weeds.

Growing up, we'd see movies set in the old west and inevitably, a lone tumbleweed would lazily roll across a dusty road. I never really thought too much about those weeds. That is, until we moved up north. Those things are all over the place, and we've found them tumbling into and around our yard. Having dealt with them in an up close and personal way, I can say I do not like tumbleweeds. They're nasty things. They have small barbs that can easily attach to your skin...nasty things.

Our neighbor built a couple of monuments of tumbleweeds. They look really cool, but I'm glad they're not in our yard.

I'm also glad they're downwind...

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