Monday, December 20, 2021

Thank You Robert...The Honor Was Mine

 I've been blogging for ten--almost eleven--years. It's more a hobby, something I do that takes a few minutes (relatively speaking...) out of my day. For me blogging is a way to keep a digital journal, a way to honor friends, especially those who have passed on. It's a way for me to keep up on my writing and a way to express myself in a somewhat creative way.

And because I write daily, it's hard to spend more than a few minutes (relatively speaking...) of my day to dedicate to my thoughts. If you're observant of blogs, you can tell...I just don't put in the time. It looks okay--passable--but it's not "visually pleasant." For me, the blog serves its purpose.

Something interesting happened a few weeks ago. I was asked to be a guest blogger. That has never happened before. I thought it was an honor to be asked. Now that the guest blog has been written and posted, I can say, not only was it an honor, but a special honor for me.

The blog is called The Lemonade Initiative. A member of a family I've known for over a half a century asked me to help out. The subject I was given was "Inspiration." I immediately thought of my father. A better example of an inspiring person for me cannot be found.

Sometimes blog posts are a little tougher to write than others. Not this post--I could write about my dad all day long. In an afternoon I wrote up the blog and submitted it. It came out today on The Lemonade Initiative. You can read it by clicking the link: HERE. I recommend you check it out yourself.

I was blown away.

Robert, the creative mind behind The Lemonade Initiative did an amazing job with the post. It's beautifully designed--very pleasing to the eyes. He even went the extra mile and found some pictures I've posted on my own blog in the past and included them with my words. I'm a big believer in having visuals to a blog--it can add so much. 

Because I've written so many blogs, I can see the care Robert puts into his creation. I can see he wants it to be a work of art. And he's succeeded. And he's succeeding.

Thank you, Robert for the opportunity. The honor was all mine.

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