Monday, August 22, 2022

Looking For Beta Readers...Anyone Wanting To Have Some Fun

I'm looking for people who might be interested in reading an as of yet unpublished original work. I started it probably a decade ago and finished it last year. Since then, it's been doing nothing but sit in my computer, and I'm sick of having projects just sit when they should be worked on and released to the public.

A little about the story--it's about a newly-called Relief Society President, a mother of small children, a Canadian now living in the United States. The title of the story is, The Ward Witch. If you're familiar with my religion, the calling and the title of the book mean something to you.

Yes, it's about a witch.

Yes, she's in a ward.

Hopefully, I have piqued your interest. If so, and you'd like to read it and give constructive feedback, please let me know, either as a comment, or as a direct message from the various social media sites where I link my blog posts. As far as timelines, I'd love to get your feedback as soon as possible, but I understand we all have lives and responsibilities that take priority.

Be ye warned--the story has not been professionally edited, plus, I have grammar and spelling issues (this may not be new information if you've read my posts on this blog...). Add to the fact that the subject matter may be a tad, shall we say...controversial--this may not be something you'd like so I can understanding on passing.

But, if all those things sound fun and you enjoy a challenge, please let me know. I hope to get you the story out in a few weeks for your reading--and critiquing--enjoyment.

The Ward Witch...a grand adventure.


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