Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Maybe I'm Not The CHUMS Target Demographic...

 "I think I'm going to get these," I told my wife when we were in the eye doctor's office. 

"Why? What are you going to use them for?" she replied.

To be honest, I wasn't sure other than I had a pair of Chums decades ago and I liked the only remaining pair at the office...red, my favorite color.

Then, it came to me. I had an idea of why I not only wanted them, but needed them. I have such a light prescription, I don't wear my glasses when I'm at work, but once I leave my office, I do. So, I thought I could use the Chums Eyewear Retainer to hang around my neck when not in use and quickly put them on when I need them.

Not a bad idea.

And it worked well. The Chums did exactly what I wanted them to do. After a while though, I found some issues with my brilliant plan. First, when wearing the glasses, I felt like I have a ponytail. I haven't had that feeling since 1984. Then, and perhaps the biggest issue, while I'm at work and the glasses are resting on my chest, the lenses become exceptional crumb catchers. Anything falling from my face lands on the glasses. Not a big deal, but annoying.

If you understand the purpose of Chums, you know I'm probably using the product incorrectly. Years ago I met with the inventor of Chums, Mike Taggett. It wasn't quite a job interview, more like a "get to know each other" meeting. I found him interesting and kind. He explained how Chums came to be and his thoughts and views for the future. If you don't know, he invented Chums to keep expensive sunglasses on your face. As a river runner in Southern Utah, he saw many sunglasses go flying as they raced downstream, the glasses never to be retrieved. 

Brilliant idea.

I don't use Chums to keep my glasses on my face. My work does not call for such protection. No, I use them because I'm too lazy to keep picking them up, putting them on, then taking them off again when I don't need them.

I don't think I'm the target demographic. I'm not outdoorsy, and I find myself rarely running on streets or down rivers.

I'm glad I bought them. They're making me be more careful when I eat. Plus, they're red...my favorite color.

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