Friday, October 7, 2022

I'm All For Inflatable Decorations...But 20 Footers Might be A Bit Much

 My son was looking to buy an office chair. We tired some furniture stores, and ended up in a store that carries pretty much everything. It's called At Home. 

The first thing we noticed when we walked in the door was an inflatable pumpkin display for Halloween, four pumpkins stacked on top of each other that literally reached the ceiling of the store. The sign said it was twenty feet tall.

I'm all for decorations, but...

That's a bit much.

I understand for many of you, not only is it not a bit much, but it's not enough. Personally, I think it's great that someone is providing the customer who wants the biggest of all things something to buy (and at $188 I think it's a bargain...). Would I like that huge thing towering above our house in our yard? Of course! Did we buy it? Of course not. Where we live, no one would see it rising so high into the air--the wind would be constantly knocking it over.

We moved through the store and came across the Christmas inflatables. They had a snowman who was also twenty feet tall, so tall it looks like he's actually holding up the ceiling. He was a little pricier ($199...). Same size, same problem with wind for us.

Maybe one day we'll break down and purchase one of these towering decoration.

Today was not that day.

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