Monday, October 31, 2022

Watching "Rear Window" On Halloween Night...

 The Trick-Or-Treaters have all returned to their homes, tired but still excited to have gotten free candy. Well, not free--it did cost some work, a costume, an evening stroll, knocking on doors and a little begging. Hopefully, all that walking and thanks to parental control--a limited candy intake--will result in a good night's sleep for all those little ghosts and goblins.


Once the little beggars were done, we came in from the cold and fired up a movie. Tonight's selection?

Rear Window

A classic.

With each passing year, thousands of movies are made. With each one brings a new entertainment choice for the public. A movie released in 1954 must compete with everything made after it, as well as before. To be chosen by a little family in Northern Utah, it needs to be a good film, a memorable film, a classic. Rear Window is all those things.

Yes, it's a sleeper, a thinking person's film. It's not flashy, but every line drips with meaning, every shot is important.

We're all tired. My wife spent much of the day making homemade doughnuts. I assembled and then disassembled our candy cannon. The kids spent much of the night loading the cannon with candy and blasting it out to the hoards. Now, we're all sitting in a semi-dark room watching Grace Kelly do her best to entice Jimmy Stewart (why she had to even put forth any kind of effort is beyond me...). It's been a great day. Its ending deserves a great film. We picked a good one.

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