Monday, November 28, 2022

A Fitting Tribute...

 I saw somewhere that newspaper comics writers were going to dedicate one of their posts to honor the legendary Charles M. Schulz, creator of the world-famous Peanuts cartoon on the anniversary of his birth.

Luckily, we subscribe to to a newspaper that prints comics and I was able to read many of those touching tributes.

They were great.

I am of a certain age where newspaper comics were consumed on a daily basis. Depending on how old I was, I would get the paper and turn immediately to the comics page. If I recall correctly, Peanuts was located in the coveted top left corner of the page, the fist comic you'll see if you read (as many of us do...) left to right, top to bottom. I grew up with Charlie Brown and the peanut gallery. The movie, A Charlie Brown Christmas came out the same year as I did. I've never lived in a world without Charles Schulz's art, and I'm thinking many of you haven't either.

When you consider the impact this man had on our society--and especially those who do what he did--it's easy to understand why all those cartoonists would honor him in the manner in which they did. I'll bet many of them became cartoonists because of him, because of the way he made them feel as they grew up.

Last Saturday was the one-hundred year anniversary of his birth. Next February 12th will be the twenty-third anniversary of his passing. Even after almost a quarter century, the man still impacts those cartoonists...

And the rest of us, too.

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