Wednesday, November 23, 2022

This World, Or Our Little Part Of It...Is Beautiful

 Last night as we slept, a skift of snow fell and blanketed the ground, not much, it was gone almost as soon as the sun escaped through the clouds in the morning. It was, however, enough snow to diminish the haze that so often accompanies our cooler months. The end result...

Beautiful views.

Tonight we loaded up the van--complete with dog--and traveled south to spend a pre-Thanksgiving evening meal with family. As I drove, I couldn't help but notice just how beautiful this little part of the world actually is. Safely, I was able to snap and have snapped a few pictures. They're not the greatest photos and in no way capture what I saw. 

Of course, what you don't see is some of the lingering haze, the thousands upon thousands of homes, roads, lawns, gardens, telephone poles, power lines, and other forms of visual pollution (in some people's opinion...) that you can see as well. I suppose anyone could look at the same pictures and point out how this part of the world is not beautiful--it's anything but. It's their opinion and a valid opinion in many ways.

So, is it better to look at life through rose-colored glasses and just see the good? Not necessarily. It's good to understand many viewpoints, and discuss those as well. Personally, I think a society where more and more people have access to jobs, shelter, clothing, and opportunity is a good thing.

I don't find myself in Utah County that often and now that we live farther away, we find ourselves visiting even less. I've got issues with some aspects of Utah County, but you cannot deny it's beauty, especially with snow capping the mountains as winter draws near. Yes, this world, or our little part of it, it is beautiful.

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