Sunday, May 5, 2024

Give Thanks...Dentists

 Years ago, I cracked a tooth eating popcorn. I love popcorn. I even had an air popcorn maker in my office my first job after graduating. I'd eat unbuttered, unsalted popcorn as a snack.

I guess those days are over.

Last week, I was having popcorn after lunch, being careful to not eat the grannies, and it happened. A whole opened up on a molar. Crap. I immediately called our dentist to see if they had any openings. Thankfully, they did...the next day. I hung up the phone and thought how blessed I was to have access to dental professionals.

Last year at my semi-annual check-up I was told I had two cracked teeth. They recommended getting a crown on the worst of the two, but said the other could wait. As I drove to the dentist after the popcorn incident, I hoped the busted tooth was my other cracked tooth. Turned out it was. So, the popcorn just sped up the repair process.

I left the dentist after the temporary crown was installed and once again, felt thankful that I went from hole in my tooth to temporarily fixed in less than twenty-four hours. To be honest, I have no idea if this is something rare in other parts of the world. I'm thinking many countries a person can get a tooth fixed as easily as we can. I don't know. I do know that I'm fortunate enough to have a good dental plan because of my job. That definitely helps.

As a kid, I didn't take care of my teeth. My kids have done much better. I try hard to keep them healthy now...I guess it's that maturity thing kicking in. I'm thankful for all the help available to me now. I'd like it better if I never have to call them for a similar procedure ever again.

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