Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Some See Free Pallets - Some See Free Grow Boxes...With A Lot Of Work


I give you the pallet, something that allows modern civilization to exist. The pallet allows for tons of food to be delivered to your store, and then, to your homes. I can't imagine how we would transport and store the food, the auto parts, the clothing, basically everything in our modern lives.

Because pallets are so important, it goes to reason that you can find pallets everywhere. Drive by any industrial part of town and you'll see pallets. And not only are they important for their original purpose, do a quick internet search on the things you can make with free pallets. 

It's endless.

With enough pallets you can build your own shed or even a home. We're not looking to build either, but something more simple...grow boxes. 

I have a friend who runs several businesses. He's got the Midas touch, very successful. I messaged him a few weeks ago to see if he had any pallets lying around that he no longer uses/needs. He did, and we drove down to his business and picked up a few. Such a nice gesture. I saw the above post in our local town Facebook group. We've gathered the pallets and will hopefully gather more, then...

The hard work begins.

My wife and son have drawn up some plans on how we want our backyard garden to look. It's going to take time, but it could be something great.

I'll keep you posted.

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