"So, you're a writer?" A neighbor said to me as we chatted at church. I acknowledge that I am in the processing of learning the craft. He asked what I had written, which genres, the usual.
"You know, my uncle's a writer," he said. "Do you know Scott Savage? He's local."
"I don't think I've met him," I said thinking back at the conventions I'd attended and the many authors I'd gotten to know.
"Yeah, he's a full-time writer," he said. Without knowing much about Mr. Savage, this simple statement spoke volumes. Being a "full-time" writer connotes a measure of literary success to which most authors aspire. It's impressive, really. Of course, without knowing Scott personally, he could have won the lottery or invented Breathe-Right strips or found some other means of support. However, most of the time, being a full-time writer means books published, contracts signed, residual checks coming in.
When meeting an author (or anyone, for that matter...), having a mutual friend helps break the ice and I used my neighbor's friendship to strike up a conversation the next time he and I were at the same event. And since then, I have sought out Mr. Savage to say "Hello" and subsequent conventions we've attended. You can access Scott's website: HERE.
So, when I saw Case File 13: Zombie Kid at the library (Sorry, Scott--next time I'll try and purchase a book or two...), I downloaded the audiobook and gave it a listen. I can easily see why Scott is a full-time writer. He's definitely able to spin an enjoyable yarn.
Case File 13: Zombie Kid is middle grade, in the same vein as Marion Jensen's Almost Super. In fact, I thought a lot about Marion's book as I read this one. The story centers around three friends who love monsters and how one slowly becomes one. We get a description of a zombie transformation from the perspective of the zombified person, and it's amusing to consider what that would actually entail.
It was a fast read/listen. It flowed smoothly and held just enough tension and fright to pique the interest of middle grade readers without being too scary. And, since it is jr. high school kids, there's also some references to the sounds our bodies make about which kids of this age spend a lot of time thinking and discussing. Whenever I find a book for children that I enjoy reading, I recommend it, and I recommend this one.
And as an aside, I'd like to say that every time I've spoken with Scott at these gatherings, the man has been nothing but amazingly friendly. I've found that the case with most authors I've met, and Scott is no exception. I look forward to readying more from this full-time author. Scott--well done!
* Photo used without permission from: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15818470-case-file-13?ac=1
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