Wednesday, December 31, 2014

We Survived Another Big Wind...

I don't know why--I'm sure a geologist or meteorologist can explain it, but for some reason there's a small corridor of land between Ogden and Salt Lake City Utah where, when the wind blows, it blows hard. Starting Monday afternoon the winds started and they didn't stop until Tuesday night.

We've had strong winds in the past. I think this storm recorded hurricane-strength winds in our town. I wouldn't doubt it. I tried reaching my car early Tuesday morning and I was almost blown over. What scared me was the darkness. If I made it to my car, I wasn't sure if I could see any black ice. I decided to stay home and work on my day off later in the week.

As usual with these storms, the news showed pictures of blown over semi-trucks on the interstate that runs through town. One of these winds that his years ago even blew over a train. That was pretty amazing.

Monday morning we had a foot of snow on the ground. By Monday night all the snow was gone, or it was moved. Some areas had no snow, others places had drifts several feet high. It was actually pretty cool. I tried taking pictures and videos that would capture all the fun, but the images fail to show just how strong the wind was. It's hard to see but in the picture of the pine tree the right side of the tree has been blown away. The trunk of the tree is actually not in the middle of the tree, but close to the right side. Below the very top of the tree is where the trunk is.

Tuesday night the wind began to die down. It tried picking up a few times. We sat at home and it was strange not hearing the howling outside. Like people who live on the East Coast and deal with hurricanes or Californians living with earthquakes, those of us who choose to remain where we live, we'll again encounter east winds, and they'll be bad. But for us, living here is worth a strong wind every once in a while.

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